
Shadows over Camelot (Board Game)?

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Iv'e never played such a fun game in my life. Anyone know any game's like it?




  1. Great suggestions, above.

    For a simpler game (card based) with the "traitor" element, check out the following:

    Saboteur - You and your dwarven cohorts are trying to dig their way to the gold.  Watch out for saboteurs who may break your pick, snuff your lamp, or even cave in your tunnels.  Card based game, relatively inexpensive, plays 3-10 players.

    Werewolf (aka Mafia) - Every night, members of the village are killed in their sleep.  Use logic, lynch mobs and deception to hang the werewolves (or avoid being hung) before they destroy the village.  Requires a large group (8+), but is a blast to play.

    Happy gaming!

  2. For Cooperative games - Lord of the Rings (with the Sauron expansion it adds a player who is against the rest, like the traitor), Arkham Horror, and Descent: Journeys in the Dark all stand out.

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