
Shadowy ghosts moving...?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, last night I was trying to fall asleep. I have this technique that I do when I can't get to sleep to try and help. What I do is close my eyes and breathe deeply and relax everything, almost like I'm getting ready to astral project (if anybody's familiar with that term) but then I opened my eyes, still in this DEEP relaxed state to see all sorts of shadows and small flickering orbs moving around my room. I got so freaked out that I pulled the sheets over my head and ran into my bathroom and slept in there with the night light on...




  1. u mess with your mind and now you saw the result.

    astral project BAH!

  2. How much whisky and beer you had the night before? Your brain is playing games on you.  

  3. You must know that your prep for AP attunes your energy vibration to the astral or spirit realm, which is essential to allow a person to leave their body. If this has happened only recently, take a look at what has transpired recently that is out of the ordinary, no matter how insignificant it may be at first glance. There are times when we come in contact with people and their energy can latch onto us. We find ourselves with odd thoughts or ideas of interest that seem to have no basis, other than the common misconception of chance or coincidence...there is no such thing as coincidence.

    There's no doubt that you are clairvoyant and have been exposed to a visual of the spirit realm...hmmm, coincidence? If you've used this method of relaxation before but only now have had this type of experience, you need to find out why you've been made aware of it, at this point in your journey. What triggered you to use it and then open your eyes afterwards, if your intention was to get to sleep? The last thing I'd be doing is jeopardizing the effort I'd expended by opening my eyes. So what caused you to open your eyes? When you can determine that, you'll begin to get an understanding of what you're seeing and why. Very often, what we regard as stray thoughts or ideas are "suggested" or "implanted" in our conscious mind by our guides. Sometimes, as in your case, they can be quite frightening but only because of what we've allowed to become "truth" within our minds.

    One of the biggest annoyances that I have with many of these paranormal shows is their automatic assumption that any being we encounter in spirit form is evil or malevolent. I have seen both shadowy figures and orbs....the orbs are never the same size or colour. Often, we do get visited by relatives who have passed over, who appear as these orbs. At one time I thought they were all fae but have since learned a great deal more about them and my own abilities. You might want to experiment...use your method while sitting and then have somebody take a few pictures, at different spots in the room. I would suggest that in at least one you're holding a flower or plant to attract the nature spirits, which could also be a part of this, if you have a fondness for animals or the outdoors.

    Part of the reason you're seeing them now is because, only now, are you truly willing to search for answers. Your mind is sufficiently open and that will attract these entites to you, like a moth to bright light. Reacting with fear at the sight of these entities causes them to pick up on your emotional response and act in kind. They can become quite agitated and even appear threatening. If what you're seeing is not a result of an hallucination, drugs or being over tired, (although both can be used for spirit communication) you've got to realize that this is one of your psychic gifts. It's not going away any time soon...the door has been opened, so to speak.

    The first link below gives an explanation and exercises you can do to build on your clairvoyance, while the second gives a broad description of what a medium actually is and what they really do. You may well be one. I was in my late 30's before events transpired to show me, without any doubt, that I was a medium and it has been an incredible journey since then. Much of what we're told or informed about aspects of metaphasics and spirituality has some basis in religion and are faulty misconceptions. The ability to see and interact with entities from the spirit realm is not evil in the least. Being shown that one has the ability to do this is almost always an indication that this will either play a key role in either one's spiritual or emotional development...or in realizing their true purpose in this life.

    Ask for protection from your protector guide or angel if you feel threatened in the least...request help for the right people and resources to enter your life so you can learn to understand and not be frightened. The shadows you mention may be relatives, guides or even previous occupants. I lean away from the last one because, if they are malevolent, they likely wouldn't be seen with ones that aren't. The orbs, however, are almost certainly loved ones or guides or others that have taken an interest in you. One thing many don't realize is that we can each have several guides working with us, at any one time, so we are awakened and guided to new possibilities or learning. What we consider hunches or bright ideas can always be attributed to their influence - implanting suggestions or scripting scenarios that cause us to search for answers or you're doing now.

    Try not to let this new awareness scare you, although this type of manifestation can be a bit unnerving. When - and if - they pose a more physical presence, like brushing against you, try to push all your own emotions aside and concentrate on the presence and how they feel. My own experience in seeing or feeling a large number of spirits together is usually one of joy or happiness. Seldom will anything intrude with ill-will or harmful intent when these things happen. The reason, of course, is the difference in energy...the dark cannot exist in the light. I'm not saying we are not made aware though, beforehand, of impending tragedies, by a gathering like you described. It's important to not allow our emotions to cloud our sensing of the mood the beings are trying to convey. Consider it this've been betrayed in some way and you're very angry. Some friends may try to lift your mood by joking or changing to another topic of conversation, usually because they are uncomfortable with the feelings they can sense from you. With your mind occupied on your pain, it's very difficult to laugh or even notice what they are trying to do. Strong, low-vibration emotions like anger and fear can cloud our psychic senses as well.

    Chances a quite good that you'll begin seeing the occasional orb, whether you want to or not. For some reason that only you can determine, a door has been opened and you've been given a very visual example of what you are capable of. I've included a second link that explains what a medium really is and can do...I was strongly urged to include this. My own "awakening" arrived almost 7 years ago as a direct result of learning about astral projection. I began to work with my chakras for the first time ever and the change within me was quite dramatic. Yes, I also opened myself to new possibilities, thoughts and ideas and it has been the most informative and productive time of my life.

    Try to keep your mind open, ask for protection from ill-will or harmful intent (and physical injury if you feel the need) from your guides, helpers or angels (whichever you feel most comfortable calling them) if you feel the need and search for answers on how you can learn to live with your abilities. Quite an awakening for you...don't allow others to instill fear or guilt. They do not walk your path nor are they given the same gifts and abilities to accomplish what they need to in this life.

  4. According to you they are...but I've seen and heard many unexplainable things too...I didn't  say any thing to my kids in case I was going crazy but I didn't have to say a word...they saw and heard plenty of things that go bump in the night...and came running to tell me.

  5. We are not supposed to astral project. It makes a clear reference in the bible that these techniques are of the occult and that power is powered by Satan

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