
Shady was right for once. It is not Madeleine in Belgium this time

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  1. keep up, this has been posted 3/4 times now

  2. She died in the arms of her parents

  3. Ive missed that frog face

  4. Well us men have been known to be right once or twice you know f***y, God knows where she is.

  5. poor little girl is still where her parents left her and the sooner some body sorts them out to make a confession the better

  6. In a grave in Portugal that is where.

  7. Arbiter is right too, Madeleine's body is still in Portugal somewhere.  It's only Clarence and the McCanns who are spinning the line that she was taken by a Belgium paedophile ring.

    If someone tells you she is in your area, then guaranteed lots of people will see someone who they feel sure is Madeleine.  It's human nature not to want to face unpleasant facts.

  8. huh?

    oh well two points for me

  9. Ask the McCanns .They may know

  10. of course its a shame, but I am not surprised

  11. How can anyone in their right mind even consider that anyone that snatched a little girl would take her out, not drastically change her appearance etc?!!

    The hunt for Madeleine is being kept well away from Portugal and sadly that seems to be what the McCanns want!!

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