
Shakespeare's" shall i compare thee to summers day" poem?

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any body can tell how shakespeare tell us how is the nature of man that is subject to change in the poem-shall i compare thee to summers day

any one can help




  1. he compaes her beauty to the beauty of summer!1 it is a nice season in England ansd it is not eternal, and this is the main point. that this beauty won't last forever, just like summer.

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  2. I've read over it and I'm quite certain it does NOT say that the "nature of man" is subject to change at all. And it's a sonnet (technically ...people won't believe you understood shakespeare if you call a sonnet a is, but a specific type of poetry)

    "Thou art more lovely and more temperate."

    Temperate is the opposite to extreeme (i.e. extreeme weather / storms) ...Shakespeare says flat out that his love is not changeable like nature, thus why he won't compare her to a summers day.

    Shakespeare goes on to say that nature is subject to chance, he is comparing his love's stability with the changability of nature:

    "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

    And summer's lease hath all too short a date."

    Even if summer is all that great, summer only lasts a few months, whereas she will be beautifull all her life:

    "But thy eternal summer shall not fade" (he's using summer as a metaphor of the joy she brings him)

    In another way, Shakespeare is making her immortal and unchanging by writing the poem about her:

    "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."

    -As long as we (you and me) read this poem, the poem lives in our consciousness and Shakespeare's lover becomes immortalised in the lines.

    Hope this helps

  3. he thinks the girl is hot like a summer's day

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