
Shaky and hungry- pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I've been so hungry the past week, and it's like every couple hours I get starving, and if I don't eat I feel shaky and dizzy. This is so weird for me, usually I eat healthy and not a whole lot, but this past week all i want to do is eat! What's wrong with me?

I am supposed to get my period Friday, but yesterday when i went to the bathroom, there was brown spotting and then nothing else.

I will get an ept, but I just want similar experiences or advice from people, please no rude answers. Thank you!




  1. there's a good chance you hit a fertile day and could be pregnant.....test a couple of days before your period is due...

    godo luck! the dizzyness can def. be a symptom....not sure about the hungryness though :) you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice, try the website FertilityTies

    good luck!!!

  2. It is likely to be pregnancy.  Appetitie increases greatly in early pregnancy.  The shakyness is a concern.  This is a symptom of hypoglycemia (or low blood sugar).  Pregnant women commonly develop a glucose intolerance called gestational diabetes.  It is important for you to eat small frequent meals, and nothing that will spike your blood sugar.  No large glass of OJ for breakfast.  If you do eat something with high sugar, make it a small portion and eat it with a protein to balance it out.  good luck

  3. Will it look like you might be you said youve had sex20 times. So im guessing you are. Keep eating!! are your b***s sore? Morning sickness. The brown discharge could be implantation  bleeding. But usually it s pinkish red color.But Everyones Different. if you Are Congrats!!!!!!!!!

    oh And Did you use a condom??

    Best Of Luck!

    i  would suggest buying a test ASAP!

  4. It sound to me it's very possible you are pregnant, but i would watch out if it continues. Not to worry you but it kinda sound like a low blood sugar thing. I'm the same way and can control it with diet but i have to eat every couple of hours. Just wait until your next period if it doesn't come then you know! And if it persists the i suggest seeing a doctor. Good luck

  5. Could be pregnancy, or it could simply be that you aren't staying hydrated in this hot weather.  People often confuse hunger with symptoms of dehydration.  Next time you feel hungry/dizzy, try drinking an 8 oz glass of water and see if that helps.  Even if it is pregnancy, the hydration is still VERY important.

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