
Shall I buy a suit or not for an apptitude test?

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The only two suits I own are one that fits terribly and one fits ok but is a light brown taupe colour. Now I'm guessing the light brown one is kind of informal.

I have an assessment day on Fri and interviews will be given at a later date on passing the aptitude test. As its not an interview am I ok not to go in a suit? Its just that my stomach and waist has increased a bit and im working on that so I don't want to blow a bomb on a suit just yet, especially as I may well go with bespoke as the average small size seems to have increased (I'm short about 5' 4").

How about the likes of Primark, I don't like their immoral ways but its there and I do a lot throughout year to do my bit for charity. The most newest decent dress I have is a black n red striped white shirt and a black tie. How does that seem, especially as it is summer and its hot, would I get away with saying I left my jacket for that reason?

Any ideas welcome.





  1. You do not say who is giving you the aptitude test.  Is it a precursor to applying or receiving a job?  If so, dress in dressy casual wear (slacks, leather shoes, shirt - open at the neck, informal jacket.

    If its just a part of your education, I believe you can dress any way you choose - but overdressing is always the better mistake to make

  2. Think about investing in a black suit as well as a blue one also buy a red tie and a blue one. They will come in handy for interviews. As far as your apptitude tests you should wear bussiness casual clothes i.e. pants and a polo. dont worry about your body symmetry just make sure your clothes fit right. Good luck.

  3. I would always turn up for any meeting with a potential employer as smart as possible,interview or not.

    Maybe a cheapish sports/ jacket shirt and tie, and casual trousers.

    Leave the suit issue till later when you get your formal interview.

    Best of luck.

  4. Where is the aptitude test - is it at a prospective employer? if so, dress smartly.  If not, more casual will probably be ok.

  5. No, keep it smart/casual.

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