
Shall I go for a smoke?

by  |  earlier

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Shall I go for a smoke?




  1. should you?- no

  2. No.

  3. as you like they are your lungs.cough ~cough

  4. NO it is bad for health you will get lungs cancer

  5. It's not good for you, you know!

  6. Since you're asking, then I suspect the answer is that you already did although by asking, you did question that decision. There's plenty of other things to do if you're bored - even when your brain thinks having a smoke is the best plan going. Next time book yourself a massage somewhere, if money's an issue check out your local college and get one from a beauty therapy student (best done near the end of term though!), shouldn't be more than a fiver. Gives you something else to do and will stop you having at least one smoke in the future. Sudoku is quite a good way of distracting yourself in the short term but you'll stop anyway when you find something better to do.

  7. yeah go on i am

  8. Go for it, but start saving up for stem cells

  9. smoking is suicide you may as well jump of a bridge Into a river than have a cig or get stabbed or shot smoking is VERY BAD FOR YOU

  10. Why not?

  11. no. its a disgusting and very unhealthy habit.


  12. Yeah..why not ? There are many worse things around to do.

    Always consider non-smokers though...

  13. I'm not a smoker nor have i ever been.  I'm also not an anti-smoker (the little n***s).  I married a smoker and when we adopted a daughter from China our daughter regularly chided my wife to quit.  Well, i am happy and proud to say after many attempts my wife quit smoking (with the aid of Chantix (spelling?)).

    Good Luck and yes of course it's your choice!

  14. if you wan to, but think of the future

    <hack, lung>

  15. No. You'll regret it...

  16. ofcourse no babe ,, it's dangerous take care of ur health ..:)

  17. That's up to you has i am smoking.

  18. wait 5 minutes, I'll go with you. I left my lighter at home and will need to borrow yours :-)

  19. Noge man. You betta stop smoking and take care of yo self. peace homie



    Smoking can damage your lunges and you can get lung cancer

  21. h**l YEAH!!!!


  23. if you want yes, if your trying to quit then no be strong

  24. No! stop polluting our air!

  25. If you want to harm yourself...sure go ahead.

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