
Shall I quit or hang in there?

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Is it time to look for another job?

I am going to make this short as possible. I was hired at X amount of money salary with the motivational bonus of $10000 for performance within my job. Saying that that extra bonus for ++ performance is paid quarterly.....

Ok.. it's July. No bonuses this year due to corporate decision due to company performing above budget. ( my job had NOTHING to do with financials.. ) But This has hurt my pocket book in a big way! My manager has been po'd like the rest of us.

I took a good look at my financials personally. I am a manager who is mondo responsible for all my employees. Yet.. I only make $1 that is one freaking buck higher than 2 of my employees.

I have an interview on Monday with another company. When they ask me my salary requirements I will be telling them the x*x amount which is what my current salary is plus the bonus ... I think that is a good starting point..

Is it time to leave my old job????

17 minutes ago - 3 days left to answe




  1. Weigh all the factors pertaining to each job against each other before decicing. I'm talking salary, benefits, potential for advancement, work atmosphere and job satisfaction. $ ain't the only thing in life.

  2. Look at the big picture.  Where will you be in 5 years?  Is there a potential for growth at the new job?   Definately add in the 10K as your salary since it was promised when you accepted the job.  Right now everyone is in a recession ('s a secret).  Lots of companies are having problems.  

    So ask LOTS of questions on Monday..basing it on your growth.  Look at the current company, are they not giving raises but for the most part take care of their employees.  What is the turnover rate for both companies.


  3. When you are asking yourself this question it is usually time to look for better employment. But don't go looking unless you know for sure that the next job you get you are going to like doing.

  4. How much more of your life and hard work are you willing to invest into this business. If I were you, I would stay until I found a better place to work. The biggest problem is the times we are living in right now. This is happening everywhere. But if you only make a dollar more than some of those under you, That should tell you something.

  5. But you didn't get the bonus so you would actually be telling the other employer a lie.

  6. See how the interview goes, and if they make you an offer, I'd go for it. I think you sound like you're ready to bail, and understandably, too. I wouldn't leave the old job until you have another one, though, Times is tough...

  7. Move on if the other job is willing to better than the old job, the move on!  It sounds like you're current company is yellow-belling up and hurting their employees because of it.  Good luck to you.

  8. I would go ahead and go to the interview and see if they offer you the job or not.  If they do, then I would think seriously about leaving a company that makes and breaks promises so easily.  It's better than staying and staying and then you are an older person and it's harder to get a new job.

  9. Yea especially the fact that you make 1$ than 2 of your employees. I would definitely make sure the new offer was solid before making any drastic decisions. Good luck!

  10. I say get a new job but only if you really are unhappy with working there... When/If you choose a new job remember to make sure that you really like the job and you will stick to it for at least a while! Good Luck!!

  11. yes, I think it is.  You are taking the right steps and looking for a job now before it is too late and you don't have a job.  They clearly went back on their word to you.  There is really no sense in complaining about it.  You should tell your boss that you feel it is unfair because this is what you were promised and then leave it at that.....and start looking for another job.  It really isn't a good feeling to be working somewhere where you are not appreciated.

  12. If you're not happy at your current job, by all means, move on.

    Nobody is going to call your past employer and verify if you're getting $XX,x*x a year.  So you can say whatever number you really want (within reason).  Adding the bonus won't hurt; they did tell you that it would happen.

  13. You know what you want outta life. If you feel as though its time to move on then move on. Times are hard these days. So if you found another job that can give you what you want. Go for it, n master it. But don't forget to be smart about it. All that bonus money you had you could of ben saving it for a rainy day such as this one. Only you can make this situation rihght.

  14. Secure a new job first because you don't want to be jobless. Also look at the state of the financial market at the moment and realise that companies have to make cuts. But if you find a better paid job make sure the company is secure and can weather the storm of the global market downward spiral.

  15. other than the money situation, think about the other factors with your job - do you ENJOY it? like the people? if you are indifferent, find another job...if you LOVE your job, is the money REALLY that important?

  16. Telling your interviewers what you make is going to be difficult since it's very complicated.  What are they offering you?  I'd be sure to have a new job before quitting the old one.  After all, maybe the folks you're working for now will give you a bonus in loyalty points.  

    But if you quit why don't you go back to school and learn to write and think more articulately?

  17. If the new company has any integrity, take the new job.  You'll be happily compensated. Just think, who is being replaced? why is there a position open with this new company?

  18. well ya u never except a job that pays less than what your already getting it doesn't work that way so give them a figure bigger than the last oviously and go from there with them and i don't know what it is u do but if they want your skills make them pay for it

  19. Take the interview but realize that promised bonuses are a perk to get you into their company, don't fall for it again.  

    Most vacation and insurance packages are just perks, not required of your employer and can be changed at any time.  Look at the money they offer you only.  Merit raises are earned on their opinion and bonuses can be explained away.

    Think before jumping in next time.

  20. You were lied to, you owe them nothing, find another job that will appreciate you financially.

  21. Is it time to leave my old job?

            I asked the Magic 8 Ball and it said "Ask again later"

  22. go have some fun! dance in the rain! sing at the top of your lungs! forget the job for a minute... we all take life too seriously, no one makes it our alive anyways rite? leave it in God's hands and take a break- trust me!

  23. The job market is poor right now, go through the interview, if they make you an offer that is comparable to the money and benefits you are receiving now, or better, take the new job.

    Weigh the two jobs in terms of responsibility and time and benefits and wages. Make your decision based on these three things. Good luck.

  24. Definetely, but don't leave your old job until you have another job offer.  Having no job is worse than having a sucky job.

  25. Let me just say for the record that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the tracks.

    I had a pretty good set up and was motivated to quit and join another firm only to be let go because they could not afford me after all.  Took me almost a year to get another job.

    Sometimes it is better to stay however after all that is said and done you will do what you choose.  

    Good Luck

  26. Ask what you think you deserve.  Remember right now most companies are cutting back on bonuses.  If you are happy at this job why leave for the unknown.  Jobs are hard to come by so make sure you weigh out all decisions.  I found it is a real visual aid to put your company on one side of the paper Negatives and Positives and see how it weighs out.

  27. Get out of there - no one can tell you what to do without knowing everything about the situation, but the tone of your question is screaming "I want out!"

  28. At least you have a job - I know several people who have been looking for jobs for months.  They are highly qualified people.  This economy sucks and you should be thankful you have a good job.

    If you really want to quit, make sure you have a new job first.

  29. Well, generally speaking, the best time to look for another job is when you still have a job.  It's a good idea to keep your resume current and be on a look-out for greener pastures even when you are satisfied with you current job.

    You are NOT satisfied with your current job.  Whether it is a good time to leave your current job depends more on just the salary offered by a new job though.  What are all the pros and cons you can think of in switching jobs?  For example, will the new job make your resume look better?  Will you learn new skills?  Is the potential employer stable?  If something goes wrong, will you be one of the first to be let go because you are new there?  What about the people and corporate culture?  Will you like working at the new job better than at your current job, where you know the people and culture (for better or worse)?  There's a lot of factors to consider.

    Good luck.  Hope you find what you're looking for.

  30. Yes, you should leave your job.  You feel angry and betrayed.  Anytime someone is that unhappy at a job, no matter what the reason, they should leave as soon as possible, in my opinion.

  31. It solid is the company you had the interview with?  Today, the economy is really bad.  We are lucky to have jobs right now to pay our bills.  

    I know this sounds cheesy, but maybe you could make a list of pros and cons of both companys.

    One more much do you like your current job?  If you hate it, go for the new one.

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