
Shall I repeat a question...............?

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Do you want to learn about a mental illness.....(more common for females)?

Don't make fun of it.............

NOTE: If you are a scary person don't watch them........

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT EXORCISM (first answer this Q)?

The point of posting this is to acknowledge you that there are such things exists in the world (whether they are illnesses or real stuff).. I think most of you haven't seen such things in your real life or you haven't heard of these things...

I am going out to play with my friends ...stayed too long in front of the computer..

Note: videos feature more males




  1. She was insane. Not possessed.

  2. I think that these people were demon possessed. If anyone disagrees with me, they are wrong. My own aunt was demon possessed when she was in her early 20's.

    One night, my mom was staying with my grandma when she woke up to a woman crying. She got out of bed and checked on my brother laying in his crib. Beside him was a demon just sitting their. She felt in her heart that he was fine, so she walked toward the crying. After reaching the living room, she saw my aunt being cradled in my grandma's lap. They were rocking back and forth while my grandma tried to calm her down. My mom asked if everything was okay. My aunt turned around with the exact same face as the demon in the crib had and told her, "There isn't an evil spirit here, Debby, just go back to bed." My mom turn around and went straight back to bed.

       My aunt is legally blind and deaf. I think that this weakend her spirit causing evil to creep into her and control her. My grandma is catholic and she has statues of the virgin Mary around her house. Something happend with the statues and my aunt that my grandma took them all out of the house. She still to this day, hasn't told anyone about them. My aunt was in to Witch Craft and practised it there. This is no joke, my cousins room(her daughter) is the same room as my aunt used to have and the weirdest things I have ever seen and heard have come from inside that room. My cousins played with a ouija board in there and it told them it was Harry(my grandpa's name) and told them it wanted Lisa back in the house(she moved out). My mom said my grandpa never wanted Lisa in the house so it deffinatly wasn't him. I think it was a demon posing as my grandpa. My grandpa was a wonderful man and is now in Heaven with Jesus.

    EDIT @ Max: The reason this "happens" in religous societies is because people who know the truth about demons and angels are more likly to diagnose it as demon possession, where in non-religous societies it just put off as mentally insane.

    Another demon story in my family:

      My brother was at a gas station in Kentucky, when a woman came up to him and asked for a ride to the court house because she was going through a divorce and had no way to get to there. My brother, being really nice, said he would take her there. On their way there, she kept twitching and mumbling in a weird voice to herself. My brother didn't think anything of it. They arrived and my brother asked her if he could pray for her. She agreed and he began to pray. At the end of his prayer, he said "in Jesus name, Amen." and exactly that moment, she shuttered and mumbled. He was a little freaked out but didn't say anything. She thanked him and started to get out of the car, but turned around ask said, "Do you" My brother ask what she wanted to ask him. Then she proceeded with her question, "Do you think that something can take over someone's body?" My brother was stunned. He said yes and she walked away. She knew that she was demon possessed and wanted help!

    EDIT @ Don: Spiritual warfare knows no boundaries. Nothing prevents a demon from taking over someones life except if they know the Lord.

  3. I'm concerned with children seeing these videos.  Consider the fact that you have no control of keeping children out of this subtitle, please.


  4. It was worth  visiting this question to see that you can be re-possessed for not paying

  5. Mental illness indeed, perhaps overdosing on religion.

    "If you are a scary person .." That means: 'if you are a person who scares others'.

    @Proud Stepford Wife: Does it not send alarm bells that this happens chiefly in traditional societies or heavily religious ones? I've never encountered one yet in modern, educated societies, except where religion is  a 24 hr hobby.

  6. Mystery Meat,    Your answer has to be the wittiest answer i have seen in a while.

  7. you know what happens if you don't pay your exorcist?

    you get re-possessed!

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