
Shall I take in a stray cat?

by Guest60218  |  earlier

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There is a cat with no collar that has been hanging around outside my house rescently and its always really hungry.

I've been woken up twice by my own cat because the stray has got in through a window and is eating my cats food...

I've really taken to the cat and have started feeding it and I want to take it in but im worried it might fight with my other cat?

It has been checked over by the RSPCA and is in perfect health.

Both cats are female and both are tabby's. My cat is 14 years old and apparently the stray is 'about 10'.

I've put them together in my hallway a couple of times and they didn't fight... the stray just acted perfectly normally and not scared or voilent at all but my cat froze and stared at the stray for a bit then walked away... They never approach eachother.

Do you think they will fight? Any other advice? I have rang a few places that take in cats but none have any space... even the RSPCA said it might be months..




  1. First off, are you sure it's a stray?

    We have a cat who comes to our house to eat, but we suspect he lives a couple of blocks away and just comes to our house to "hang out" and get a free meal. He's too well-groomed and friendly to be homeless.

    It would be a pity to adopt someone else's cat if he's just showing up to mooch food off you. If the cat is tame enough for you to take him to your SPCA for a check up, he may have a home someplace and just likes to wander.

    If you're sure he's homeless and he doesn't fight with your other cat, sure...give him a home.

    In our case, the above mentioned "moocher" cat comes right into our house even though we have four cats of our own. Two of our cats hiss at him a bit, but there has never been a fight.

    We also have another homeless cat we feed. He's scared to death of people and we can't get near him. But he always comes around every night for his meal. We are sure he doesn't have a home because of his skittish attitude and his ungroomed appearance (although he looks a lot better since we've been feeding him).

  2. Anytime I have added a cat to our home it has taken time for the existing cats to get used to him/her....but they eventually do.  Since they have not fought so far, you are in good shape.

    Good luck!

  3. Sure if it's healthy. Just don't pay more attention to the new one-the older one will get jealous. Good luck!

  4. take it in your destined to take care of it... don't let the poor thing sit out their it probably feels lonely. Don't let it stay out their unless one day you want to see it get ran over by sum dumbass

  5. It was meant to be things happen for a reason, take the cat in and give it a home. Your cat will get used to the addition to your family.

  6. take it in cats have awesome personalities it was supposed to find you!!

  7. Im not sure if you should or shouldn't, but if you do, make sure you pay extra attention to your older cat, it might think its being replaced.  

  8. i would let u nd ur cat introdus nd if they fight get 1 cat by its scruf to show ur the dominent 1 of get a cat leet nd slowwley give them room to see each other nd if they fight u can pull 1 back

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