
Shall i leave a note for neighbours for keeping pushchair downstairs?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone

I live in a flat in first floor with one neighbour downstairs and one upstairs. I got backpain and not fully recovered from childbirth ,midwife said dont carry pushchair and leave in the hall downstairs, it is heavy :9 kg and i strugle to carry my baby and changing bag. so i thought i would leave the pushchaire downstairs after folding it, the hall is not very wide nor too narrow,definitely enough room for people to walk through.

but i am concerned that neighbours will not be happy with it being left there all the time, do you think i should write a note to say sorry for the inconvenience?

the stairs are funny shaped so it's really hard for me to carry it and take downstairs everytime i go out, what do you recommend i should do?

thanks in advance




  1. yes, that would be very nice, and if I were your neighbor, I would really like to get the note, respect you more, and even offer to help any way I could.  Communication and respect get you very very far in life!!!!!  ;)


  2. all you can do is ask,i cant see there being a problem with it just explain how narrow the stairs is and your afraid you may drop your pram ,or pull your back etc .if there not happy then tuff id still leave it there as its not hurting anyone.

  3. my dear its always best to discus your problem to your do not have any come backs then

    they don't know about your plight..and will understand.

  4. I would go to both neighbors, tell them you need to leave it downstairs until you are recovered from childbirth and ask them if they can be patient for a few weeks with the push chair in the way till then.

  5. i would leave a note and speak and tell them why its there if they are decent people they will understand and let you keep it there.

    The only other problem i can see if where you live is council or landlord owned they may have a problem with it being there because of health and safety and fire risks.

  6. I would leave a note, though if you only have two neighbours why not knock their door and ask if they would agree to you leaving the pram explaining that it's too heavy to carry at the moment while you are still recovering.

      If you can't leave it downstairs don't fold it and just bump it up.  You will get a technique that wont disturb the baby if its sleeping.  I had to bump a pram up and down three flights  a couple of times a day after a c-section..!

    Good luck

  7. Definitely talk to them in person. People will appreciate the situation much more if you talk to them face to face, then it sounds much better to them, less like an excuse.

  8. yup you should. It's a nice gesture or you could talk to them about it and say how sorry you are but you have problems. I'm sure they'll understand.

  9. Just talk to the landlord .. tell him and tell your immediate neighbours about the problem.. there must be some place to leave it where it won't get in the way of anyone.. ask the landlord for advice first.. where you can leave it... then I would talk to the people in person..  just a quick ''hello'' and explain the situation... but if he finds a spot for the pushchair where it's in nobody's way you only need to ask the landlord..x*x

  10. That sounds like a great idea.

  11. As long as its safe and not in the way then I dont see why anyone would have a problem (you would have to be pretty mean to disagree)........ So yeah write a note but I am sure it will be fine

  12. You could either write a note to them or speak to them in person to let them know of your current situation.  Personally, I would speak to them in person because to me it is more formal and the person could ask questions of the situation if needed.  They may even offer to help out.  It's possible.

  13. Absolutely - it's not the fact you leave it there that would annoy me. If I had a nice thoughtful explanation I wouldnt mind by all means. I would rather you knocked on my door in person tho.

  14. Knock on their doors and explain it to them, do this and they will probably be very understanding.

    If they are at home they may even offer to help you up the stairs.

  15. It would be much better if you knocked their doors and explained your position. I am sure they will empathise with you.  Only if you try a couple of times and don't get them in I would leave a note and also mention to had tried to speak to them personally.  At the end of the day it sounds like a communual area so strictly speaking the pushchair should not be there so the nicer you are to the neighbours the better chance they will allow you to leave it.

  16. I would knock on the door and just ask them nicely if it's okay with them. Explain your situation, apologize for it...most people would be very understanding.

  17. Yes, that would be a nice idea. I am sure the neighbours would be understanding about the situation, especially if you had explained it to them.

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