
Shall i trade in my ps3 for a 360?

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im tempted to do it please answer asap as i will do it today




  1. depends if you want gameplay or live because PS3 is better for brilliant games but if you like to play online 24/7 well i suggest you trade for Xbox  

  2. no dont, even the girls say no and their GIRLZ i dident know they were smart enought to play ps3 but they must be to say no!!

  3. I'd say PS3 is better any day... keep it...

  4. no. ps3 is better

  5. Remember way back, when you were a young kid at school, and there was that poor ugly girl that you felt sorry for, and almost asked to the dance? Bet your glad you didn't, as it would have been a terrible mistake. I would liken trading the PS3 for a 360 to this. Would be the worse mistake of your life!!

  6. YES GO!

    Xbox 360 is far superior!

    You wont regret it!

    Trade it in at GAME as they have bank holiday deals on.


  8. No Deffo Don't Ps3s Are Much Better!

  9. yes because you can chip a 360 but not a ps3 which works out cheaper in games for you

  10. Why would you trade your PS3 for a 360... that's like trading away your Ferrari for a Kia LMAO.  But seriously tho... don't trade it! First of all you paid more for the ps3... the ps3 has built in everything... whereas for the 360 you need to buy so many add ons and pay monthly to play online.  Oh yeah... if you give away your ps3 its like givin away a gaming console plus a blueray player (which costs over $400 on its own).  The 360 doesn't even come with its promoted HDDVD player... you have to buy that as an add on ($250 more)... and HDDVD is dead anyway.

  11. i watched a clip on youtube than proves 360 is better

  12. PS3 are far better at gaming individually as the graphics are superior. it can play Blu Ray which is bonus, however if you are looking for stronger online play then the Xbox 360 is the better choice. Personally I have always preferred sony and nintendo's products to microsofts for games consoles, being a PsP, PS2 and Wii owner.

  13. no dont the ps3 is awsome i was going to trade in my ps3 for a xbox360 but i heard that alot of games is coming out for it and xboxlive is better but it was out like since the old xbox and Psn came out when the ps3 came out and psn is catching up to xboxlive and the games for mulit they always port it xbox360 thats why it was better but they are going to port it to ps3 now so dont trade it in you will regret it

    And i Swear i am no fan boy i like the xbox to but ps3 is better

  14. In my opinion the 360 is the superior console it's got everything you need to have an enjoyable gaming experience. Sony are losing exclusives left right and centre which is obviously sony loss and microsofts gain. Now sony have lost Final Fantasy as an exclusive the 360 has every type of game available.

  15. no there is no game out which the ps3 cannot handle graphics wise. microsoft are making the xbox 720 to compete with the ps3, as blu0ray won over hd,not lieing check it out

  16. YES!

    think how many people have an xbox 360 compared to PS3's

    not only is the online aspect of gaming better on the 360 (as many more people have one) but the single player aspect is better too.

    im not quite sure if the ps3 has acheivments/gamer points but on the xbox you can get acheivements for comlpeting tasks in games.

    i was considering buying a ps3, but i took all of this into consideration and made the best decision of my life (gaming wise)

    they have a wider range of better games for the 360 out aswel.

    get an xbox 360 and i can promise you that you will not regret it

  17. i mean ps3 is better but if you have a plan of what to do trade it if you like 360 more than do it

  18. Dude you are going to hear all kinds of opinions. I have both consoles, a 60gb PS3 and a 360 Elite. I bought the Elite for Halo 3 (I previously owned the premium system but it crapped out on me 4 times.) Halo 3 IMO is the most over hyped piece of c**p game out there. There are shooters far better thatn that game. I am burned out on Gears, bioshock and Fable. Now there are alot of good games for 360 but I feel there are much more great games on PS3. I prefer the PS3 because the games that come out for it all all quality (I'm talking about the exclusives.) Now the only reason I haven't sold my 360 is because of Fable 2 and Gears 2 but thats it. I would much rather play 5 quality games than 30 mediocre games. Sony has a better line up than people give them credit for (mostly fanboys) There is Resistance 2, GOW 3, GT5, Little Big Planet, Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank, Warhawk, MGS4, Killzone 2, MAG, Heavy Rain and so on. Now some of these games aer already out and some of them aren't. FFXIII was a huge loss ot PS3 but FFXIII Versus is still exclusive to PS3. PS3 is also getting Bioshock 1 & 2 and Saints Row 2 as well which were 360 exclusives. Microsoft pays for exclusives and Sony doesn't. I admire Sony for that. Sony has always been a preimum quality console. Because of the 360 I guaruntee you that you'll start seeing alot more non quality games being pushed out just because of the developers greed.

    Don't get me wrong I still like the 360 and thing its an excelent gaming console especially online. But I think from here on out PS3 is the future of gaming until next gen.

    Bottom line is its all opinion. I could tell you you'd hate it and you'd love it and the other way around. You will just have to take a leap if you want but I just don't want you thinking you made the biggest mistake ever.

    Anyone remember Dreamcast and PS2? Dream cast was said to have more games, online, and cheaper than the PS2... we all know how that ended.  

  19. no wtf were you thinking

  20. Yep.  The 360 has much better games, all titles on the PS3 are c**p.

  21. dont ever do it .ps3s are far more superior than 360. it has more exclusives coming out.home and many new features coming out like life with ps3 .it has failure rate of 0.2 and 360s are 16%. xbox 360 suffers from rrod and disc problems while ps3 is getting updated and getting new games everyday. online play is free. on xbox 360 you buy premium for 350 .200 for hdd and 20 for rechargeable battery and total costs 600.ps3s have life span of ten years while 360 are not that reliable.all my friendshave ps3 and they are getting spectatcular results with the ps3.. my few friends had a 360 and now they blame themselves for buying it . so DONT EVER GIVE AWAY YOUR PS3 FOR THE CRAPY 360. ood luck

  22. h**l NO.

    PS3 is way better than a 360.

  23. no way. there are plenty of great games coming to the ps3 this year and next year. there are hardly any coming to xbox. trust me, you will regret it. if you do, you will ahve to get used to paying 50 dollars a year for online, extra attachments to charge your controller, get wi-fi on your 360, etc., and keep paying for more 360's when your keeps breaking down. 2008-2009+ is the years of the ps3.

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