
Shall we boycott gas pumps on the 1st of every month?

by  |  earlier

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Gasoline companies have been robbing us for months and months for one reason or the other and we have been taking it without any reaction. Let us show our reaction ! Let us boycott gas pumps on the 1 st of every month, starting April1, 2008.

Do you agree? Please respond.

If you agree, please send this message to at least 10 of your friends, and request them to forward to 10 others and so on and on.

Let us make this a success !




  1. the problem with this idea is that people will just fill up the day before or the day after, thereby not affecting anything....if you really want to hurt the gas stations quit buying your pop and chips ect from them...they make more of that than gas in some places.....

  2. YES.  Sure, if it's just a few people, it won't make a difference.  but if it's every person in the US, it'll make a huge difference.  Why not start small, and hopefully let it grow?  Heck, why not boycott the first week of every month?  I can make a tank last 2 weeks, at least.

  3. How about a 30 day boycott?   lets boycott 1 big oil company for 30 days.Lets start with Chevron, don't by gas from Chevron for 30 days, no gas or stuff they sell in the stations for 30 days..

  4. The way to make the gas station drop the price is if you usually pay $40, only buy $20.  If the station does not pump enough gas, their storage tanks don't have enough room to receive a shipment (refill) of the storage tank and the fuel tanker has to return to the tank farm without making the delivery.  The tank farm now becomes overloaded with no way to dispose of the excess fuel and they have to notify Exxon, Shell, BP, Citgo, etc that they too cannot except fuel forcing them to drop the price to keep deliveries moving.  This called is the ripple effect.   When you have over supply and a lack of  buyers, prices will drop.

  5. THERE ARE SOME GOOD IDEAS HERE,,,, I totally agree with the fuel idea,,,, I WILL NOT BUY FUEL ON THE 1ST OF ANY MONTH, and will only get a little each day. it does work. Also don't buy any other item from a gas station, this helps in two ways, 1. makes them lose profit on ridiculously priced items 2. it makes a consumer statement that the high prices are coming from the price of fuel hitting them twice.

  6. Car pooling hurts big oil the most.  Filling up one tank and using a little bit more fuel saves the little guy more than filling up four tanks which will each consume  a little bit less fuel. Big Oil hated car pooling back in the 70s and they'll hate it now.

  7. won't make a bit of difference

  8. It wont do any good. if you buy gas every Thursday and that happens to be the first and you wait till Friday your still buying the same amount. Limiting you trips, stopping at store on your way home instead of a special trip, conserve, conserve....  Gas doesn't seem to follow the same Supply & demand pricing as usual. when demand falls they produce less so prices stay up.

  9. A boycott wont do any good where I live.I stay in Orangeburg, S.C. and the cost of living is too high for people not to be able to go to work.The most that a job pays here is 10.00 an hour and that is if you work at a plant.I got lucky and landed a job as a School Bus Mechanic for the State of South Carolina.

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