
Shall we let the USA into the EU?

by  |  earlier

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Now that it is no longer a Superpower ? (Obviously a Q for EU nationals only)




  1. why would they want to be a member of the sad!! (cant make it on my own) club???  the EU is just a losers paradise. a huge mommies t*t !! to suck on and feel all secure. the US may be a bit down, but never pathetic!!'ll bounce back without a little security blanket, or a little EU nite light. they still have a set of balls between their legs. 'unlike europeans. i speak as an English man and tell you this! mate. i would rather ally my self to the US than the cowardly EU.

  2. dont worry about it, us Americans dont want in, trust me.

    massive. economic. confusion.

    no way its the Eu for a reason.

  3. USA has nothing to do with Europe in that aspect.  So why would the USA even entertain the idea if you gave it to them?  I think you need a geography lesson.  USA is on the continent of North America and you guys are in Europe, hello!!!  Hence European Union.  Don't be a plonker all of your life!

  4. The question doesn't seem very serious.

    Take something as simple as entering the USA without a Visa. Right now citizens of 15 out of 27 European Union Nations can visit the USA without a visa.  They are in negotiation with 7 more countries.


    The remaining five countries (1)Cyprus, (2)Greece, (3)Bulgaria, (4) Romania, (5) Poland do not even have a Memorandum of Understanding with the USA.


    It's hard to imagine how you could go from that status to membership in one lifetime.

  5. I tell you this much, why dont we (UK), Ireland, and The Netherlands pull out and let the yanks take our place.  We don't need the EU.  The EU is just part of the New World Order.  No country should be able to override another's rules/laws.

    I speak about the US as I do the EU, we don't want you telling us what to do.  We'll trade and be allies but that is far as it goes.

  6. noooooooooooooooooooooooo...i hope you're not serious

  7. Are you mad?

  8. Huh?!

    How could  USA  become part of the European Union when its not a part of Europe?

    This question is just a demonstration in stupidity, surely?!

  9. The US will NEVER be part of the New World Order.

  10. no,

  11. YES they can have the UK's slot! :-)

  12. Nor has Israel & Turkey.

    One world government

    watch this space --------->     <---------

  13. Swap you.  Britain can leave and you can join

  14. Yes!I believe it would be a good idea!Providing the USA came in as an equal partner and not the dominant partner to rival India and China!Yes!Crazy as it seems now!I can see a time when that suggestion might have a 'ring of truth' in it!

  15. 1) still a superpower

    2) they don't want in

    grow up and deal with your jealousy and feelings of inadequacy.

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