
Shallow well went dry? Filled 1000 gallon pool up a week ago?

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We haven't had a drought this year but we filled up a 1000 gallon swimming pool over the course of two days. Took a total of 10 hours. About a week later we noticed a loss in water pressure and that the pump wouldn't kick off. We started to get air and sediment. We got a good rain a couple days ago and now I can get a trickle to come out continuously. Do you think the rain is getting back into the well? What should I do?




  1. well, methinks you should have called a poolwater company to fill your pool.  You sucked your poor well dry, and it may or may not come back.

  2. Wait.It can take a while for a well to recharge.Of course most shallow wells(<50ft) are considered surface water.You might want to get a new well drilled or the shallow one "blown" out to get better flow and larger jug (resevoure)

  3. Sounds like you might have to start drinking out of your pool.  Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that drinking water is VASTLY more important than a pool.

  4. If you got air and sediment, I'd say you ran your well dry.  You can lift off the wellcover and check the current level.  I don't know why you're only getting a trickle--I assume w/o the sediment?  I'd say:  first, check the water level (get a friend or two to help remove the lid--you don't have to take it all the way off; just lift it and move it to the side.  Have a flashlight with you).  Then, call a well driller/repairer.  They will probably be willing to talk to you about it and give you suggestions.  If not, call the next one.  

    Maybe you lost some of your prime.  I think that's an all or nothing thing, though.

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