
Shane Warn has proved that it is only good captaincy which make you win matches even with weak team, comment?

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Rajasthan Royal has not got players with big names. Most of them are less experienced , less paid and has less reputation but all are talented as compared to players of other teams but it is only captaincy of Great Shane Warn which makes his team strongest amongst other. Heads off to him.




  1. personally i dont just think its his ability to lead that has made him a good captain but mainly i think its that he has the ability to bring out the absolute best in his players. i always thought he would have made a great test captain but thru his off field antics he cost himself the chance, but as captain of the royals he has done an excellent job!

  2. no all players are GOOD PERFORMERS , it says 1ly name cant win performance can win thts it.

  3. Shane Warne is a very astute leader. He has been constantly mentioned in Australian cricketing circles as one of the best players fit for captaincy but did not get a chance to show it off. That so for more of his off-field antics and troubles. Anyways he is making the best of what he has got right now.

  4. i think warnes captaincy is terrific he gets the best out of his players and his team are very united he makes aggressive and smarts moves in the field he is an inspirational leader but his team are not weak they may have some unknown players but that doesnt mean they are weak all rajastans unknown players have come to the party so you shouldnt call them weak just inexperienced

  5. Every team in IPL is strong..The fact which determines the victory or loss is the best performance of a team in that particular day...

    Cant neglect the fact that Warne's captaincy is an added flavour towards their victory..

  6. try it

  7. I don't agree with that. It's just that the other teams are no better than his. I hope you meant to say 'hats off to him', not heads!

  8. its all about performance

  9. While Captaincy of Warne has been wonderful, I feel that only good captaincy alone will not win the matches.  The players of Rajasthan Royals, though not so much reputed,have come upwith spirited performance which has helped the team to win matches.  Hence the complete team shoul,d be complemented.

  10. The team win the matches, a well led team will have an advantage but overall the indivuals will determine the result.

  11. Well, they don't have a weak team, it is very strong.

    Anything can happen in the future, so don't jump to conclusions.

  12. It's only a ordinary captaincy by warne.

    The major reasons for the defeat of Chennai team are mentioned below in the source...

  13. Well said mate, i agree with you!

    "Rajasthan Royal does not have many players with big names, most of them are less experienced, less paid and has less reputation but all are talented as compared to players of other teams but it is only captaincy of Great Shane Warne which makes his team strongest amongst other."

    Warne being a caprain, coach and a bowler of the Rajastan side is really doing a very great job and he has brought his team so far to a very great extent by his own effort and hard work, all credit goes to Warne and also to Graeme Smith!

    But i want the Punjab XI team to win, whatsoever!

  14. I fully agree with your statement ...

    Another example was Imran Khan with the 1992 Pakistani team, beating the seemingly invincibles Kiwis, Aussies and English!

  15. Yeah you are right .

    But they also need a good captain like Warne (hard to find)

    and not an overrated captain like Dhoni

  16. Shane Warne is a shining example of a great captain who can weave wonders with a team of unglorified players. It is his leadership, charisma, his fun and rakish ways which have endeared him to his team and the club RR, and to me too....I support the Knight Riders! boo hoo.....

    Definitely all congratulations to him and every success to him and his team too. Saurav Ganguly has proved to be a waste of space and place.

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