ok...shane bond said that he joined the icl since he was getting injure very often and couldnt help his family meet ends....
what i say to that is if...he had joined ipl, he would still get paid very well and also play for nz...without whom...he would have always been a policeman....its playing for nz that god him the ticket to icl... and if he wanted more money, he should have joined ipl till he retired (3-4 years) and after retirement, he could have joined icl......look at fleming and pollock....so, i think according to the explaination given by me above..we can conclude that shane edward bond got sold out and is a traitor.....ipl pays very heavily aswell....its just the greed for more money... if anybody wants to argue, dare to give reasons........i hope after reading this, u agree with me....i know the above facts from a shane bond interview...