
Shannon Matthews and the weird and wonderful family / relatives?

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Should this area of Dewsbury be sealed off and Martial Law imposed in order to establish the extent of the bizarre practices that seem rife.

After all it does not seem like any of them go to work




  1. a bomb should be dropped there

  2. Much as it's fun to mock, the Matthews/Meehans/etc aren't necessarily representative of the area.

  3. i thought the step-dad worked?  cant see him finding it easy getting a job in future though, after the kiddie pics

  4. I think the whole family is a Jeremy Kyle show waiting to happen!

  5. your right there , have you ever seen so many strange look ing people all in one place ,  i think there has been some in breeding there...............

  6. i concur there seems to be something surreal with that place, its like some kind of zombie town, and the inhabitants are breeding like rabbits, the goverment must step in and do something NOW before its to late PLEAAAAASSSE PRIME MINISTER WE NEED YOUR HELP soon britain will be awash with karen mathews and craig meehan lookalikes, just the other day i swear i saw a karen mathews lookalike who must have came from dewsbury, i fear it may be to late already,

  7. parents of the year award as voted by the sun/daily star readers

  8. I think maybe they should send the police round every house on the estate, just imagine what they would find behind Dewsbury's closed doors!

  9. It should be set up as an official practice target range for the RAF.

  10. you cant judge them all by one family and its friends. i'm sure there are some people there that are morally normal. what we see on the news is mainly the family and close friends. there could be as many people as that that are as bad on our own doorsteps and we just dont know what goes on until something like that happens.

  11. Good point... Perhaps this plot involved the whole area.. we should take no chances, evacuate all our police and military units there and send in a tactical nuclear strike.... "it's the only way to be sure".... -

    (Can you tell I've been watching the movie "Aliens")

  12. They do seem to have a high % of mongo's

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