
Shannon River question...?

by Guest67069  |  earlier

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I'm going to Europe in Sept./Oct. this year with a group of people. One of the things we want to do is a boat rental on the Shannon River in Ireland. I was wondering if anyone on here has done this boat rental and what they thought of it. Also, what company did you go through? What do we have to see that is on the Shannon?

Thank you!




  1. Yep i did it! it was amazing! I definitely recommend it.. We went with a company called athlone cruisers! they were the cheapest we could find. We left athlone (in the midlands) and travelled south as far as killaloe on the border of Tipperary and Clare. basically stopped off at all the little towns on the way! I like portumna and shannonbridge. We stopped at clonmacnoise too but wasn't very interesting!

  2. There are many companies that hire boats, google it and you'll get all the info you want.


    went with then before,it's great

  4. You can also go down to Limerick and take a drive down the Shannon River to Glin and see the beauty of the Shannon Estuary

    This is were the Shannon flows into the Atlantic you can take a ferry across from Tarbert to County Clare

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