
Shannon matthews family. scum or not?

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Shannon matthews family. scum or not?




  1. what has this got to do with Ireland

    there not Irish...and yeah, they are scum

  2. Blatantly scum!

  3. SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. they are the product of modern labour controlled england.  badly educated. offered no encouragement or incentive to do well,  they leave school with nothing  they aspire to nothing and they lead nothing lives. call them scum. yes.  because they are,  but they are  "made in england" .

  5. scum! what a stupid thing to do - the poor children , they really thought that it would be an easy way to make money and get away from their crappy scummy life! how thick are they! at least the kids are away from them now - good luck to them all - all 7!!! (ths makes me sick as me and hubbie both work - have 2 kids and no debts but still cant afford to have number 3 - maybe we should look into sitting on our bums all day and let tax payers pay for us to have kiddie number3!!)

  6. absolute scum they dont deserve their children

  7. scummy mummy

  8. None of us know exactly what goes on behind closed doors but obviously things are wrong but none if us are perfect.

  9. scum i feel so sorry for all the children

  10. I feel sorry for Shannon and hope she has a happy upbringing

  11. Big time SCUM!!! Thank god that little Shannon is away from them now!!!

  12. SCUM

  13. Common as can tell from their faces.

  14. there is something wrong but i think they are typical of what is wrong with Britain

  15. Why is this in the Ireland section? Those people are not Irish.

  16. as scummy as scummy gets

  17. Pure Scum. In my opinion.

    = )

  18. Chavscumtastic!

  19. They are all scum except the poor children which have had to live with this type of family for their entire lives!

  20. They are Dirty scum bags.

    And to think of all that money she had coming in from fiddling the benefit system,

    You would think her house would be like a Palace and her kids would be dressed in the latest trends.

    But oops i forgot she spent all her money on f**s & booze so the house & kids just had to go to pot.

    Well now she aint got any kids lets hope they have a bloody great life with decent loving parents. Who puts their needs first.

    These people make me sick, the whole lot of them are Dewsburys Misfits

  21. not very bright family to say the least

  22. Yes, mega scum.

  23. I think there all thick.

  24. The scum of the earth.

  25. Without a doubt, also anyone who has aided and abetted them.

  26. Foolish and idiotic people.

  27. The whole thing just makes me ill.

  28. they are scum until the cows come home. s****s.

  29. With whats going on in the news papers.. they are getting worse and worse.. how low can they go?

  30. I wouldn't like to answer this kind of question in a personal way, because it might hurt other people....

  31. I think that people should wait for the enqiery to finish before anyway makes rash desisions....

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