
Shaolin-Do? What are your thoughts?

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I have been looking for a martial arts school to join and I came across this school in san antonio called shaolin-do. I went to the school but I'm not sure of it. I was hoping somebody could give me some feed back. What are your thoughts about this school. I'm interested in the tai chi and internal arts. My back round is in shorin-ryu and shito-ryu so I know next to nothing about internal arts or how to judge them. any help would be most welcomed




  1. I'd recommend that you stay away. After looking at the bio on him and viewing a few videos, I'm not impressed. I've seen many martial arts during my 41+ years of martial arts training. It just does not add up.   The first thing that bothers me is the name Shaolin Do   "Shaolin", is Chinese the word "Do", is Japanese.

  2. Shaolin Do is a McDojo.

    The so-called grand master at 25, Sin Kwang The, is a phoney who, I am guessing has a huge collection of videos, bad ones at that, that he learns from and teaches to unsuspecting "students".

    Some of his stuff is made up too!

    Stay away from that garbage!

    Somewhat: the problem is that it isn't even a "glorified karate". If you want to call something "Shaolin" or "karate" you have to go by the basis of what makes up these arts. That video is a made-up form. Shaolin has been established for longer than any of us on this board and a few generations before too!

    These arts were created as a map, a manual of techniques that disrupt the nervous systems, energy channels and robs power of anyone they are used against.

    It is obvious that the person that made up this form knows nothing about the sciences that affect the body and its natural systems.

    That is why you can't create your own forms. And if you learn a form and do not learn the sciences that help you extract the hidden applications of the movements, you might as well just do kickboxing.

    This is shaolin-do and all that other garbage out there being passed of as martial arts or much worse, as TRADITIONAL martial arts!

  3. It sounds kind of strange to combine two different languages to describe a martial art.

    Shaolin is Chinese, it means 'young forest'.

    Do is Japanese, and it either means 'way' or the opposite of 'jitsu'.

  4. Haha, Sensei Scandal, I found the video very amusing. If you must, I don't see that much harm in Shaolin Do, much of what I've seen is glorified Karate but it's not really an internal heavy style, actually, it's got a lot of weapons work. I think that's the main appeal that people see in it, that they start you on weapons at only White belt, I remember that when I did it at the age of 9, there were 3 classes a week and 2 of them were weapon oriented. Take Taijiquan instead of this if you want an internal style. Another good one to look into is Hsingyi or Xingyi, it's also internal but is more linear and powerful, making the transition to an internal style from Karate much easier and simpler to understand, hope this helps.

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