
Shar Pei/Yorkie mix???

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where can i find such dog? Can i like "Custom-Made" my own dog??? I want do bring a dog to the house for my relationship anniversary, I love Shar pei's but my girl likes Yorkies. I wanna come to an agreement. Where do i start looking?




  1. a shar pei/yorkie mix will not look like EITHER breed. Honestly, it would probably be hideous.

    If you can't come to an agreement on a purebred, why don't you and your girlfriend go to the local animal shelter together and pick out a dog together. 9 million dogs are euthanized every year in shelters because there are not enough homes for them. You should always try to avoid breeding, especially breeding mixed dogs.

    Go to the shelter, and Im sure you will find a dog you will fall in love with

  2. I don't even know where to start with this question. First, the dog you describe is nothing more than a mutt that you could probably find in a shelter. If you pay money for one you're getting ripped off. No resonsible breeder would purposely mix dogs just to suit your taste. Second, dogs are terrible gifts. They are expensive and you really have to be ready to take care of one. Are you sure your girlfriend would want a dog right now? Third, I'm assuming you aren't married. Is your relationship stable enough that you could both take care of the dog for the rest of its life? If you wouldn't be willing to have a baby, don't get a dog. Finally, there is no way to know exactly what a  yorkie/shar pei mix would be like. They could inherit the best traits of each breed or the worst- you have no idea which it would be, and no two would be alike. There's a lot more to consider than just which breed is the cutest, so do a lot of research to determine which breed would be best for you.

  3. Not a wise mix on multiple levels. First being both breeds are notorious for health issues. Second.... how would that happen?

    There would be no way a yorkie female could give birth to pups from a shar pei (to large of a breed for a yorkshire terrier). It would be a health hazard for mom during pregnancy not to mention labor.

    A shar pei female would not let a male yorkie mount her.

    Do more research on your dog breeds.

    How about a Pug? Should give you the mix look you are trying to achieve.

  4. Please so not expect to breed a "mix". There are tons of dogs dying already. You can start looking @ an animal shelter. A Pekingese is probably a breed that would look closest to a shar pei/yorkshire mix.
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