
Share a programme between desktop and laptop?

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I have an art programme installed on my desktop computer and would like to be able to also use it on my laptop. I can't find the disks to install the programme with - is there anyway I can get it onto my laptop without them?




  1. What you need to do is copy all the program files onto a memory stick and then put the stick in your laptop and copy them there. To run the program all you have to do then is go to the program files copied to your laptop and look for the run.exe and click that. You will now be able to run the program from your laptop.

  2. Bluetooth it across

  3. Use a memory stick.

    >>Flubster>> You can actually put your art program on your USB, memory permitting, not just the files.

  4. Ive never tried it but in theory it should work. try copying the entire program file of the art software and put it in your laptop. then just make a shortcut of the execution on your desktop.

  5. Bluetooth or memory stick will only put the files on your laptop and are pretty useless without the art program itself.

    If you don't have the installation disks you might be able to download a trial version of the software for your laptop.

    WHat is the program - there may be a free ware program that it willwork with.

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