
Share as many paranormal experinces as you can. Either your own, a family members, or your friends.?

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Share anything you would consider to be a paranormal experience. I am also interested in sightings of cryptids which in a sense can be considered pretty paranormal. Any experiences with O.B.E or astral projection. Maybe someone believes in curses or pychic powers and has had some experience with those. I am also interested in hearing about your experiences with ouija boards and possible demonic entities either derived from the ouija or elsewhere. Share you true stories of yourself friends and family.




  1. cryptozoology - Possible, but if they were real there would be a population large enough to be noticed.  Conclusion: myth and legend.

    OBE - dreams are by nature strange places.  The human brain can imagine anything.  The universe is only capable of a fraction of that.  It is much more plausible that all dreams are just dreams than it is to think astral travel is possible.  Also, there's no evidence or data in support of OBEs.

    Curses - like magic and voodoo, they only work if the "cursee" is aware of it and allows himself to participate psychologically.

    Psychic powers - improbable.  I'm not saying it can't be real, but psychic powers are not supported by any data or evidence.  Many have been debunked as frauds, so the field is ripe for trickery.

    Ouija boards - ideomotor effect and the imagination conspire to make using a Ouija board seem to be supernatural in nature.  Once a true believer sees the magical powers at work they are not unlikely to blame anything subsequent on demons conjured on the Ouija board.

  2. one of  the  most  powerful  experiences  i  ever  had   was  under the  influence of  LSD  .i felt  alive!

  3. We'll i get random events sometimes and they happen. I can touch people and seen pictures or hear words. I sometimes say things and they happen.

  4. There has been many, but the one that stays with me the most is what I will unfold now.  I was a mere girl of 14 and was living at a Catholic school on the North Side of Chicago.

    We had just finished our night prayers, and I was almost asleep, when I heard my father's voice and I sat up in bed.

    He was standing at the foot of my bed and he told me that he

    had to go on a trip, but to remember I would always be his baby girl and that he loved me.

    The next morning Mother Superior summoned me to her office to tell me my father had died that night.  I told her I already knew.  My father had been battling lung cancer for many years, and I  always had a very special close relationship with my father I was a daddy's girl, and he had come to tell me good-by!

  5. The other day I was walking through a hallway in the dark, and it was very dark. I heard some movement and a thunk and it felt like something grabbed my leg.

    I jumped, even gave a little shout as I thought someone was there. When I turned on the light I realized I had brushed past some plastic panels leaning up against the wall and they had fallen down around my feet.

    But at the time it happen, it scared the bejeezes out of me. I thought for sure something was happening that would make me believe in the paranormal.

    Luckily I used logic and reason to figure out what really happened instead of believing in old wives tales and just assuming it was a spirit.

  6. Put your question in again & you'll see "similar questions" come up below your question. You'll find lots of answers with paranormal experiences on there.

  7. two hours after my brother joseph died i lay sleepless on the couch,  it was 4am.  there in the semi darkness, a cylinder of silver, swirling energy stood just a few feet away from me.  it lit up and swirled about,  it was about 4 ft high and about 18 inches wide and about a foot and a half off the floor.  it stayed there for quite a while, maybe 30 minutes or so.  i distinctly felt it was my brother coming to say his goodbyes.

  8. If you want to gather as many ghost stories as possible from Yahoo Answers, I would recommend using the search feature. Questions like yours are asked pretty much every week and there are tons of answers already there. Good luck.

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