
Share how the gas prices have had an effect on you...?

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Are you leaving your house as much?

Do you still take road trips like you used to? Have you cancelled out on attending an event that you really wanted to go to because you just couldnt afford the gas? Or are the gas prices just not gonna stop you from getting in the car to make those umpteen million unnecessary trips to the convient store?

*Please share how the gas prices have had an effect on you, your family, your friends and your lifestyle!*





    A proven hybrid water conversion kit that costs only $50. No joke, this system can get you an extra 40% fuel efficiency.

  2. It doesn't affect me,I use this site to control how much gas I use

  3. Yes, it's getting bad. We are considering buying a 3rd car to drive to work that's very gas-efficient and keep the 15MPG Toyota Tundra in the garage. I may even start car-pooling with someone at my work, and even may drop my husband off one day a week - depending on schedules. All I can say is it's high but not as high as a lot of countries - that's why they have small cars. Americans need to stop driving our hugh gas-guzzling trucks, SUVs etc and think more practical and green. Obvioulsly, consolidating trips is best.

    Check out the sites below too.

  4. It has no significant effect on me because I'm in a vanpool. Also I always plan my trips smartly anyway, so I don't have to make adjustments now.

  5. I have definitely consolidated my errands to reduce my consumption. However, as a pre-owned car sales representative at a dealership in Centerville Ohio, I am surprised that we are still selling the large SUV's as well as we are (in the pre-owned market at least). Don't get me wrong, the gas savers sales are up. But the Suburbans, Yukons and TrailBlazers sales have picked back up in the past week after a slight initial slow down when fuel prices spiked.

    Dave Watkins ....

  6. i still drive as much,I have too.I foresaw this coming 2 years ago.After carefully studying diesel engines,I picked the best one.A pre 1985 Mercedes diesel.I converted it myself for $320 to burn waste oils( mostly vegetable).

    I pay a $1. a gal. to drive out the people that mix that old oil with animal feed.You know Mad Cow.

    So I'm one of the lucky ones,

    There are still allot of diesels out there.Even pre power-stroke Ford trucks are a good choice.

  7. I HATE GAS!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I drive much less. Write down things i have to do that include driving and do that together. i actually use the odometer to track the miles i travel and finally started paying attention to the rpms. And i already drive a 4 cylinder. if you can drive .20 cents smarter a day thats $6.00 a month.

  9. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  10. I haven't had to change much other than maybe not going out so much.  The hardest part is that my fiancee drives 1.5 hours, one way, to get to his college.  We spend about $370 for his gas and food every month.

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