
Share to us the biggest argument you had with your parents?

by Guest33085  |  earlier

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Share to us the biggest argument you had with your parents?




  1. nope, i'm not in the mood. it's personal stuff.

  2. Biggest argument so far: my obsession with video games (especially violent ones). My parents are Asian, so they actually CARE about my education. For this reason my dad encourages me to play more educational stuff on the computer. Every time he sees me on the computer though, I'm always shooting something. My mom joined in too, and I made profound arguments. However, my parents used the "I'm an adult, so I'm excepted from everything" argument. Points I made (profound or not).

    1. My parents may leave me alone for hours on end, so they may not see me doing something other than shooting something.

    2. I work when I have to.

    3. I always insist on eating at the dining room instead of in the master bedroom, where the computer is.

    4. I'm aware that I shouldn't play so much, so I quit when it gets too late or when I know I've been playing too long.

    5. At late night, before going to sleep, I usually read a TIME magazine or some other books lying around in my room.

    6. etc. etc.

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