
Share wisdom with me!!?

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Ok, anyone have any really good tips for me? Just fun little bits of advice? Something from your life? Come on let me in!




  1. Learn about what being a human really involves and just how much potential and how many levels you truly have.  Don't settle for what you've been brainwashed and programmed into believing, by your "education",  "religion" and "superiors". All of that was designed to keep you disempowered and unaware of your true nature.

    Here's a good place to start.  It will help to open you to new possibilities. And, don't worry,  it has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus  :))  Just move through the site as your intuition suggests:

    Good Luck!!

  2. sooner or later you are not going to know whose life it is.

  3. we get too soon old and too late smart!

  4. I think you should travel alone to one place you allways wish to know. Maybe you need dancing in the rain on Saturday night...

    Abraço e felicidades

  5. Be positive , always. Hard work  and open mind to world  will help  you to tackle the problems. Live today. Not yesterday or tomorrow, Both are illusions.

  6. Those who matter, don't mind.

    Those who mind, don't matter.

        In other words don't waste your life worrying about what other people think of you.

  7. learn to fish

  8. im 13.but sum1 told me lis.and wen i didn' wuz thrown back.rite smack dab in my face

    take up the chance to make any spur-of-the-moment move,wish, or.w/e come tru

    ok.that .he didnt xactly put it in smart words either.but ya.contiuning--

    cuz if u gets boring and soon ur 22(well.he wuz saying he was old.cuz he had to work and everything everyday.but.ya.mold that wisdon into ur own life)

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