
Share your amazing or funny baseball hits/catches that you've had! 10pts!?

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I had one last game. I came halfway thru the game. The score was 14-1 we were losing. I got there and things turned around. We started rallying! I got up to bat and the pitcher, who was my friend, threw me 3 balls. I'm like alright a walk and w/e. The next pitch he throws is a ball but I swing and crank out the left field fence. Not over it tho lol. I score one runner who was on second. I'm running around to third and my coach is telling me to stay there, but I didnt' listen and I ran home. Amazing slide at home...the ump must've been blind...i was safe by a mile...the people in the bleachers could obviously see it. I got out, i felt stupid, i didnt' listen to the coach and i got out. We lost 18-8 cuz of the 10 run mercy rule. lol




  1. I hit a 2 rbi blooper into right center

  2. Lol I was playing catcher

    the ball came in on the ground

    the ball bounced off my knee

    back to the pitcher

    the guy on first was stealing second

    pitcher threw to second

    guy was out

  3. This one came in high school.

    Bottom of the 7th (last inning for a high school game). We had blown a 7-4 lead in the top of the inning (due to several fielding errors). it was now tied 7-7. The first batter got on base. The next batter hit a bloop pop-up that fell in, but the runner from 1st was thrown out at 2nd because he had to wait to see if it would be caught. I was up.

    So I'm up, bottom of the last inning, 1 out, winning run on 1st base, and a pretty crappy hitter on deck, so I knew I needed to take care of business myself. I got a pitch belt high, on the middle/inside part of the plate. I turned on it, got inside of it and drilled it into the left-center field gap for a stand-up, walk-off RBI double.

  4. i had a friend hit a foul ball off a tree that kicked right into a woman's pelvis at about 100 mph..sounded like a gun going off

    we also had a play when i was at second base..blooper in front of the CF. he slides to make the catch, snowcones it, but as he picks up his glove the ball pops out. i was running out toward center to try and make the catch and as the ball pops out of his glove it comes right to me and i grab it with my barehand

  5. It was my first game of baseball.  I was up to bat and i hit the ball so hard it went all the way up high but not so far.  I picked up the ball and started running with it to each base thinking that's how you played.  Let's just say i never played at the city championships again!! LOL!!

  6. This one was in Little League.

    It was my first Game in Majors and i was the starting catcher. So in the 3rd inning this righty's up to bat and he has an 2-2 count, so he hits the ball right at my catcher's helmet, it got stuck so i took it out and he was out. The funniest baseball moment in my life.

    Here's one in basketball.

    So i was at the free throw line and i was dribbling and one of the dribbles went of my foot and right to the referee and he says kid just shoot it.

  7. I was playing left field and a kid hit a short blooper. I was running as hard as I could and I caught it while sliding but i accidentally tripped the shortstop because he came back. I called it but he didn't listen. One of my former teammates once had a bunt and he got all the way to third. Also, I was pitching one day the I threw a wild pitch outside to a right hander. Anyway, I charged home because there was a man on third. The catcher gave me the ball but I couldn't get the tag down in time. But he didn't slide and charge me. If he would've slid he might've been save. But anyway, I was on the ground for awhile because this was a guy probably twice my size in weight and like half a foot taller than me. That's all I can remember.

    Please answer my question if you know fantasy sports -;...

  8. I have an old t-ball story. Once I ran around the bases from 3rd, 2nd, 1st with a catcher's glove on my helmet

  9. I was playing first. There was two outs. A lefty came up and hit it over my head. So I could hear the first base coach for the other team say " Go, he will not catch it." So I run go over my shoulder Willie Mays style and catch it. I give there first base coach a good long stare.

  10. i fell rounding third base and barely got back

    i also plowed a catcher over before

  11. and then you woke were already losing by 13 runs earlier in the game.

    One time I jumped 30 feet in the air and caught what would have been a grandslam by barry bonds with my foot. I spun around in the air and then landed on my hands and then I threw it 488 feet to the catcher at 121mph and broke his hand.

    whoa...when did i fall asleep?

  12. One game i bunted down the third base line. The third baseman threw it and it went over the first basemans head. I ran to second. The first baseman threw it by the second baseman. I ran to third. The second baseman threw it over the third basemans head. I ran home. I slid and i was safe. We won the game on that bunt.

  13. Mine happened when i was in high school. I was playing second base. There were men on first and second, and the opposong coach sent both of the runners ( the guy at the plate was a pretty good contact hitter). The hitter hit a liner up the middle, and our pitcher sort of threw his leg up at it. He actually got enough of it to pop it up in the air a bit, and, since I was heading over to 2nd to cover the base on the steal attempt, it come down right to me. I caught it on the fly, stepped on the bag for the 2nd out, then tagged the runner out coming from first. Not quite an unassisted triple play since the pitcher touched the ball first, but close to it. If the pitcher hadn't kicked it, there's no way I even come close to getting to the ball as hard as it was hit.

    And a quick note to Nate - before you basically accuse someone of lying - maybe you should learn what a mercy rule is. Usually it not only involves a certain lead by one of the teams, but also involves a specific number of innings having been played. For instance, in a lot of Little Leagues, they may have a 15-10 rule. That would usually be that, if a team has a 15 run lead AFTER 4 innings have been played (or 3 1/2 in the case of the home team being ahead) or a 10 run lead after 5 innings have been played. (or again, 4 1/2 if home team winning) It is very possible that a team could be behind by 13 runs BEFORE the mercy rule is used because enough innings have not been played. If a team is down by 13 after the first or second inning, the game would continue.

    Nice effort at making someone else look stupid though. Guess this one didn't quite work out.

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