
Share your favorite cruise ship memories. (teens and adults!)?

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Share your favorite cruise ship memories. (teens and adults!) Do you miss the cruise vacation? What do you regret? Do you want to go on another cruise again this upcoming summer? Did you feel like you were in heaven being on the cruise just looking at the beautiful seas and skies I regret not being able to meet a lot of people. But I still met plenty. I went August of 2007. It's already May. Time goes by way too fast ...




  1. I've been on 3 cruises soon to be four, and on our second one, it was to the Caribbean on Mariner of the Seas (the second newest ship at that time) and I was really looking forward to it because I love hot weather. Well, anyways in the middle of our cruise, I got the Norwalk Virus. I was puking all night and a little the next morning. But, whenever I pueked, I had c**p come out the other end. It was not fun, so I decided to just sit on the toilet and puek in the trash can instead. That isn't really my favorite cruise memory, but it is kinda funny. i also didn't get to go onto port the next day, and my dad had to stay back with me and my mom and brother went on land.

  2. well it was when i was 11 on the disney cruise. My family was at dinner and my sister had to go to the bathroom so she got up and at that same time the waiter was coming to bring the food. She bumped into the waiter and the soup went everywhere. She was so embaraced. So that is my funny cruise story.

    Ps im going on a Holland America Cruise next February with my family and my cousins family I cant wait!

  3. Oh, there are a few! My first cruise I was 15, and shared a room with my 2 younger sisters and a family friend. We slept in one morning, it was about 8am when I woke up to the "7 short and 1 long" blast which indicated we were in distress. I had the lights on, tearing life jackets out of the closets and woke everyone up in record time, and I opened our door to see other confused people in lifejackets, when the captain made an announcement, "This is a mock drill for EMPLOYEES only"...Man, I felt like a tool...especially cause we were docked in port!!! Our friend still won't let me live it down, 5yrs later...

    Also, last winter I went on a cruise with the company I work for (dad's business) - 12 of us went. The whole cruise is my favorite memories - from when my 400lb uncle took first place in the belly flop competition and my dad 2nd place, to getting drunk at Senor Frogs in Mexico and getting taken behind the bar for my first shot of tequila (all free!), to taking pictures with the roman statues onboard. I'm planning to go on my 5th cruise in January or February of 2009

  4. My cruise ship experience was amazing! It was the greatest trip of my life!! I went on a Royal Caribbean Bermuda 5 day cruise. 5 days was not long enough i would recommend a 7 -9 day cruise. The food was great, there was tons of activities for the kids too. It was the most amazing week of my life!

  5. Well, here is a somewhat funny story. On a cruise last year everyone got woke up at 4am by the captain because a teenager was missing. It is the captains responsibility if someone is missing. Well, she was found all right. She was17 years old and decided to spend the night in someone Else's cabin. MOM was really ticked off and so was the captain. I saw her the next day(she was very pretty) talking to some guys and I heard her tell them that she couldn't go see them at night as she was restricted to her cabin at night after that. She had her tail between her legs the rest of the cruise. P.s., I can't wait till my next cruise, either this fall or in January of 2009.

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