
Share your own depression experience. Serious answer only?

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I do not want textbook definition of depression. I want YOUR OWN personal experience of depression.

What I learned about depression is that, the feeling of depression very from one person to another. If you considered suffered from depression, either mild or severe, please describe exactly how your feel when you are depress as detail as possible.

I considered myself suffering from severe depression few years ago. One of the symptoms is that, even if I do not think negative (or even when I was thinking positively), the profound, uncontrollably feeling of sadness (sometime with suicidal thoughts) would suddenly hit me, to a point where I couldn't control myself but crying. The power of depression is like a gigantic flood flooding towards me. When I think negative, my feeling would get even worse. My version of depression is more biological, rather than psychological. =(

How about yours?




  1. I havenot been also diagonised depression. But, my symptoms are feeling of hopelessness, sadness. One minute happy one minute sad. Moody and crying. Busting with angry inside and never showing up. heart beating very fast.  

  2. I feel like there will never be happiness again   I feel stressed and anxious always and when I laugh I feel no laughter inside.  My emotions are erratic and keep changing.  Whenever I start to feel a little positive, my mind starts thinking about the love I have just lost and I sink into sadness again.

    It feels as if I have no future and I'm always going to be trapped in this misery. There seems to be no point in eating well and looking after my appearance.

    I feel numb and empty and I keep having to take time on my own to cry and think and to try and tell myself to be rational and positive because I can't go on like this.  

    At times it feels like I just can't take anymore, it's all too much to bear.  It feels I'm going to go mad,  have a breakdown because my mind and body can't cope.  

    Sometimes I feel physically sick with stress and this deep sadness I'm feeling.

    I want to be happy again and feel love and security but if feels like I'm in a dark hole and I can't climb out to get into the light.

    It feels as if I'm trying to walk into a strong wind and I keep getting forced back and now I'm getting tired and don't know how much longer I can keep fighting my way through. I'm scared that I might just give up on everything.

    No matter how much people tell me that things will get better and I'll be happy again, I just can't believe it.  The future is too far away.  I need things to be better now. I want to be happy now.

    I used to think I was depressed when I was younger but I was wrong.

    I have never felt so low as this in my entire life

  3. I feel like I have no control over my life. No say in anything. Never feeling happy. Even when I am laughing, I don't feel fully happy. Feeling like no one will understand. Anger bubbling inside, and not being able to let it go. Always being in a glum mood. Feeling stressed. Frustrated. Angry. Bleak future. Feeling like there's no way to explain myself properly. Feeling unappreciated. Wanting to not move around, just sitting, lying down, or sleeping. Hoping to not wake up when I sleep. Wondering if I'll have to feel this way forever. Being very irritable. Hating a lot of things.

    But I'm not "officially" depressed. I'm assuming I am though... It's the only explanation...

  4. I feel empty. Like she doesn't care about me and never will. Like she will move on and leave like all the others. I've lost all passions and loves. I fall down into a deep loneliness, and am only relieved from it when I get to see her again. Nothing matters anymore, and happiness is a thing of the past. I can't escape. Ending my life is not an option, as religion states that I'll be thrown to h**l, but trecking on is just as hard as it will ever be.

  5. Ive not been properly told i suffer from depression but i have all the signs, so its a matter of time. One minute im fine, ill be laughing then ill think of something anything, thats bad and ill stop laughing sit down and usually burst into tears. At school i can hold it in but its hard. I agree with you on the crying thing though, you dont really get a warning. Wednesday night i tried to overdose, suicide. To tell the truth the only real regret i have is that i didnt take enough pills. Just 32 of them. Ive got to speak to a psychiatrist later so i wouldnt be surprised if he/she said i was depressed. Im am truly sorry for you feeling like that. Just be sensible though. If its only crying and thinking negatively keep it that way. Dont be silly and try to take the easy way out because it really just the hard way x

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