
Sharing an internet connection wirelessly. Need HELP! :(

by  |  earlier

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Ok, now heres my situation.

I'm currently running a net connection on my desktop PC and would like to wirelessly share this connection with my laptop. Aside from getting a wireless modem, is there some other way to achieve this? Like, a usd dongle that acts as a replacement for the usual ethernet cables i've been running (which defeats the purpose of a portable notebook)

Any help would be great!

Thanks, Nick




  1. other way to connect it is if u have bluetooth, u could share the network but it is not that strong and fast as the original one

  2. The simple thing is just to get a wireless router. They are cheap too.

  3. A wireless PCI card is the easiest, just put it in and run the network setup, to use your laptop anywhere.Don't be scared it is a simple job.

  4. Nope, you need a wireless router or wireless router/modem combo.

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