
Sharing room and now moving into a smaller apartment.

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I've started sharing my room with my 5 year old sister, much to my despair. I honestly do not like the arrangement, because I can't do anything. If I want my alone time, i won't be able to have it, and my parents are perfectly happy with this arrangement, and won't give my privacy that I need (I'm 15). I have loads of friends, but my parents don't let me socialize, as much my brother who's 17.

Anyways, my brother is moving out next year for university. I thought, okay, maybe my sister or me at least will move into my brother's room, but no. We're moving into a 2 bedroom apartment, out of a 3 bedroom one apartment. It's not that my parents have financial issues, because they're perfectly able to even buy a house, but they don't need an extra room now since I've started sharing my room. I know how it's supposed to bond us more, which we already are, and how this is going to help me sharing a room when I go to university, but honestly I feel like my room has just been taken from me and given to my sister, and given her the right to whatever way she wants it, i.e colouring the walls PINK! That's just a no for me. My parents don't believe in teenagers having privacy even though my brother has been granted that permission. He's the one addicted to drinking and partying, while I'm the sensible one in the family, bring in high grades, taking care of the house, as well as my room, and taking care of my parents, and making sure they're happy. I've been fighting depression for quite some time, because my life just doesn't seem to get any better. I've started talking to my aunt for help, and it has helped a lot, but my mum has found out and she told me - if I backbite behind her, she will no longer call me as her daughter. My uncles are both supporting this decision with my mum. No one just seems to understand me, and I can't have a decent conversation with my parents because they think they're always right, (I have never doubted their decision until now) I get a long with my sister, but sharing a room with her, has given me so many limitations and restrictions that it's as if I can't do anything in THAT room now. What should I do?




  1. Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses. Google a short piece called Desiderata and read it. If none of this helps then I do think you need to consider getting some serious help from the professionals.

    Best wishes. UK

  2. First off...NO ONE understands a 15 year old LOL, except another 15 year old.  You have to make the best of your living situation until your old enough to work and get your own place.  That's your life right now.  You need to make the best of things.  I'm sure there are some positives in your life, you need to concentrate on them.  You need to talk to a school counselor, or clergy person about your depression.  Clinical depression is a serious illness.  You need to know if you just "down in the dumps", or clinically depressed, and need professional help and/or medication.  

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