
Sharing time........?

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Hi-ya everyone.

Just for a little bit of fun I'd love you to tell me all about your little ones.

How old?

What are they doing right now?

Favourite thing that they do?

What milestone are you waiting for?

Anything else?

My daughter Lucy is just over 6 months old and is a real little character. She had her 6 months injections today which have made her sleepy and she is down for the night (10:40pm here in Aus). She normally sleeps 13 hours straight of a nighttime anyways which is AWESOME.... I love her little giggle and the way her whole face lights up when she smiles. She is so active... can hardly keep her still and she has just learnt what "jump" means. We say jump jump jump and she starts bouncing... it is so cute. I think she is so close to crawling. She has started getting up on her hands and knees but can only hold it for a short time and I think it's only a matter of days before the teeth I can see under gums poke through

So tell me.... who's your little one? Write as much as you can about him/her




  1. My Beautiful Adrianna is:

    7 1/2 months old

    She sits really well and tries to grab everything in site! She loves the remote and my cell phone. She is not crawling yet but is starting to push up on her arms. I can't wait until she crawls! She says "ma ma & da da" it's soooooooo adorable! She is very much teething....I can see her little teeth about to come through! Other than that she is a very fun loving and happy baby and my reason for living.....:) the joy of my life!

  2. madie is 18 months today

    she is finally sleeping - we too are in aust.

    chase the dog around the yard and house

    to sleep though the night - you are sooooo lucky to have a wee one sleep that long - i get 3 hours if im lucky and then a very restless 6 hours after that.

  3. Emma is almost ten months old.  Right now she is a monkey....she crawls over and around anything...the thing that occupies her the most is rolling a ball under the kitchen table and letting her crawl over and around the chairs to get it.  I imagine she will be walking pretty soon as she is cruising well and standing up momentarily on her own.  My favorite thing for her to do it laugh...if she gets really sleepy she thinks everything is funny!
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