
Shark encounters???

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I like to surf (but I don't do it often), and I have seen stingrays, etc. but never any sharks, luckily. If any of you have ever been snorkeling, scuba diving and have had a dangerous encounter with a shark/know someone who did, what did you do to save yourself?




  1. one time while freediving i was harassing a shark under a reef. it became aggitated by me poking it so as it thrusted its tail to get the h**l out of there, it kicked a lobster in my face.

    don't worry about sharks.

  2. One when you see  shark don't freak out. You're not an idiot and you see it so just be calm start swimming and catch the next wave. Two, if you are far out ditch your board and start swimming back to shore. Lastly, unless you try to hurt the shark or disturb it, it will only pass by or swim away. Also don't wear a body suit. It will make you look more like a seal which sharks like to eat. Duh. But hope this helps!

  3. I was out surfing once and this 6 foot shark popped up right next to me. It went down underwater and got tangled up in my leash. Then it freaking jumped out of the water and landed on my back. it kicked me with it's tail very hard as it was trying to swim away. I had a "charliehorse" on my leg for 2 weeks. That was freaking scary stuff. It could of easily bit me if it wanted to.

  4. just dont panic..and dont start to swim around like a idiot..just look at the shark kno its there and keep ur heart rate down and slowely swim away

  5. well most stingrays don't sting you and don't scare them and don't step on them and well me and my best friend were scuba diving and saw a shark dont move stay still and dont scare it...

  6. I hate to tell you this but most of the time if you are in the water with a really aggressive shark, You will never even see it coming.  Most sharks are ambush predators and will attack from directly below.  However;;; you  don't even have to worry about this.  sharks rarely if ever attack humans and quite simply, don't like how we taste.  the odds of being bitten are astronomical and you can lengthen those odds by not surfing in the after noons which is the sharks prime dinner time.

    I have been in the water with some big sharks 2 or 3 times.  Once one followed me all across a wave and I did not even know.  My friends on the beach could see the Silhouette, and were screaming and waving at me.  I was freakin out watching them trying to figure out what was going on and wiped out right in front of the shark.  I still did not know it was there and just went in to the beach.  Spooky!!

    So don't freak and don't worry.  I guarantee that it will never happen to you!

  7. well if it is bigger than 4 feet punch it in the nose. but if it is like 3 feet than its a baby wich is just exploring wich will prob leeve you alone or its not realy a shark.

    so also try not to get cut on rocks cause they got exelent noses!

    hope i helped!

  8. I'm a certified scuba diver. If you see any shark coming to you, just punch his/her nose as hard as you can, s/he will respect and leave you alone.

    I had a huge-*** shark coming to me a couple of years ago, I punched his/her nose as hard as I can and this shark left.
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