
Sharks fans thoughts on Campbell?

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I have to say I'm not suprised Campbell left San Jose ever since he cried when he was first traded to us. Is CA really that bad a place to live?




  1. i honestly wasn't suprised, like i saw it coming you know. i don't know what is trip was. i know so many people that would kill to live in california. california has the best weather all year around. i used to live in sj but now i don't but i'm still in california. i'd have to say i'd rather be in sj then where i am now but it's still all good.  & i honestly don't know when we are going to start adding..what's doug wilson waiting for????? if we wait to long, we are going to lose out on everyone & i don't want that to happen.

  2. Well, money and location played a big role.  Apparently Doug Wilson only offered $6 mil a year at most compared to the $7 mil he's getting from Chicago.  I think it was smart for Wilson to cap a limit to how much to offer Soupy.  For that kind of money, i'd expect a top dman that delivers in the playoffs.  I'm glad we also didn't win the Redden sweepstakes.  I'm just not sold on both being the #1 blueliner for us.  Furthermore, Chicago was closer to Ontario than California is.  He wants his family to watch him play and that wasn't gonna happen in California.

    I still think Wilson should sign Hossa (be smart about the money tho) and trade a player like Cheechoo for a top dman.  Sign Bret Hedican to ensure some depth on the blueline.  

    I actually liked Rissmiller.  He isn't afraid to lay the body and do the dirty work.  He's a blue collar grinder and the Rangers did good by adding him to their team.  

    And no, I actually find California a wonderful place to live.  Cost of living is a bit high, but weather is great, food is tasty, and culture is diverse!

    --Fish Taco-- Nope.  The Marleau rumors are put to rest.  Wilson didn't trade him by July 1st so Marleau's no trade clause kicks in now.  He's a lock as a Shark (thank you!).  You're right...Rissmiller didn't score, but why would you need him to score when we have like 6-7 players that can?  Rissmiller did the dirty work and laid the body when nobody else did.  The Sharks are fully capable of being physical but are more often than not, very soft.  Rissmiller didn't shy from that which is why he wasn't in my doghouse.  But I certainly won't lose sleep over him leaving.

  3. I don't know whether he liked it out here or not.   I do feel that Campbell was/is more Sandis Ozolinsh than Scott Neidermeyer.

  4. I am a Sabres fan, and I am not surprised he left at all. I didnt think he would come back here to Buffalo but he didn't seem to like it in San Jose.

    To the Chicago Blackhawks fan: you payed WAY too much for a player of Campbells talent. He is a GREAT offensive defensemen, but when it comes time to play defense....its boring to him or something cause he sucks at it

  5. Campbell was overrated. If you looked at his performance in the playoffs, he did not deserve to earn 8 mil and still stay on the team. Rissmiller, man i agree. He was horrible. I love Cheechoo and Nabokov. If they can get another player who can out hustle and work very hard. They are in top shape for the cup. CA is making him cry? what the heck was he thinking?!?!?! SAN JOSE HORRIBLE?????

    Campbell is just a bit wacko. I would have cried if I was signed to the blackhawks.                 :)

  6. I'm not a sharks fan nor do i live in CA, but I wouldn't mind living in CA nor would i mind being on a high calibre team like San Jose....they are quickly turning themselves into the perennial contenders that the red wings and devils have been for a decade now....

  7. He had family issues which is why he wanted to be closer to them.

  8. I'm not a Sharks fan.  I am a Blackhawks fan and am ecstatic to get a player of Campbell's caliber.  I don't think the state of California should take it personally.  Rarely do players spend their entire careers with one team.  I'm sure a combination of money and situation serves as his reasoning.

    But, I concur that losing a player you like to free agency sucks, though.  I'm still not over Chris Chelios leaving the Blackhawks for the Red Wings...and that was 10 years ago!

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