
Sharp pain down left side of chest lasting for hours?

by  |  earlier

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hey, i've experienced a sharp pain down my left hand side and it goes underneath my breastbone. the pain is really strong and comes without warning lasting between 20 minutes and 2 hours. its really worrying being on the left side above the heart was just wondering if anyone has had the same pain and has any idea what is may be. im 50 and i've had it since i was a teenager; it hasnt gone away!

your answers would be really appreciated.




  1. might be the stages of a heart attack

  2. well like right now i have the same exact pain on my right side

    i hate to say it but my mom says sometimes it could be air bubbles

    in that area and that u need to f**t  

  3. Might be a sign of a heart attack. Go to the nearest ER IMMEDIATLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Stop what your doing right now and go to the ER.  I know you say you've had this a long time but with age it may have gotten worse.  You need an EKG and blood work to rule out heart damage.  If you haven't had one a stress test is in order.  I'm an ER nurse and specialize in cardiology.  Good luck.  Feel free to email me with an update you have me worried.

  5. I stopped having that pain when I removed allergens from my diet, and the gas that accompanied it went away.

    Have a healthy and happy leap year!

  6. Any time there is a pain in the chest you should go to the doctors. It might not be too serious but you need to make sure. At the age of 50 you should really be on top of your health.  

  7. Gas?

  8. Ask a doctor it could be serious.

  9. Listen to Lisa. You need a cardiac evaluation asap. This includes resting EKG, cardiac enzymes, treadmill stress test and possibly an echocardiogram. Thys type of pain cannot be dismissed as "gas". Good luck.

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