
Sharp pain in ear???

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I'm a 25 year old female and randomly i started getting sharp pains deep inside my ear only in my left ear.. it feels kind of funny like almost clogged.. and no it's not earwax.. i clean my ears regularly so what could this be from? thanks:)




  1. You either have a small infection or some fluid behind your eardrum. When I swam on a swim team, we often used alcohol and vinegar to help with ear infections. So try this: take a mixture of 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 vinegar (just apple cider vinegar will do). Turn your ear to the side and place a few drops into your ear. Don't ever put alcohol in your ear without the vinegar because alcohol alone can cause dermatitis behind the ear drum - the vinegar acts as a natural skin softener. See if that helps. If you think it's extra wax stuck somewhere you can try a mixture of 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 warm water.  Soak a paper towel in the mixture, put your head to the side and squeeze the liquid into your ear.  I use a dry washcloth on the side of my face so none of it gets into my eyes. Let sit for a minute or so, then turn your head to drain for a few seconds.  This will loosen any excess wax that might be stuck in your ear. If these don't work, see a doctor, you might need other treatment or an antibiotic. Good Luck.

  2. it could be an ear infection, or a busted ear drum

    i've had both

    busted ear drums are REALLY painful

    ear infections aren't as bad, if it continues

    or gets worse, deffinently go to a doctor !
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