
Sharp right ovary pain

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i have this pain usually when i ovulate, which is usually second week after my period but now i actually got it right after my period and it persists, it's now a week and ... later and i still have it, it's like i'm ovulating this whole month...gee...same symptoms with increased discharge and all...




  1. the answer given bu grania_3 is dead on...i have worked for an ob/gyn for several years and see this all the time and my daughter just went through it...get to your doctor

  2. Could be a few things...ovarian cyst or another problem with the ovary, appendicitis, endometriosis, your OBGYN or other doctor and tell them what's going on. They will probably run an ultrasound to see if they can see anything, then go from there. If you have an ovarian cyst and the pain is increasing, if it bursts you can get so sick from it that you could die. I'm not saying that's what it is because I don't have your records or ultrasound, etc in front of me. That's why you need to call your doc as soon as possible. Be sure to describe exactly where the pain is and any other things you notice happening.

    I had an ovarian cyst that was a dermoid cyst....those are evil little things. They have a good amount of calcium in them so sometimes they have hair and "teeth". The one I had looked like that and was wrapped around my right ovary and twisting it like crazy. By the time my doc finally decided to perform surgery, as she opened my belly, the cyst burst and all the awful bacteria and junk went everywhere. They got it all but it was a little scary in the operating room and during my recovery.

    Talk to your doc ASAP!

  3. It's probably nothing, but to put your mind at ease you could ask your doctor.  She may recommend an ultrasound, where they'll just check out your ovaries.  This happened to me once...I noticed it for a couple months and then it went away.  I did get an ultrasound and there was nothing wrong.  Still, best to get it checked out to rule out something that needs treatment.
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