
Sharp twinge in my left arm.?

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Is doing excessive push ups bad if I have this twinge in my left shoulder??.. I've been ignoring it and just kept working it, I'm I doing damage If I continue???..Should I give it a rest or just keep at it..I do about 30 sets of 4 repetitions.




  1. well if you don't have breathing problems, or angina just take an aspirin in case and lay off the excerise. Listen to your body. Have a glass of OJ. Oj drinking a 1/2 glass cuts down on strokes etc.  Ask the specialist on shape/ is on email.

  2. i think you should rest untill it feels better

  3. you know... i don't know how old you are or what you excercising lifestyle is like, but a common symptom of heart problems begin with a radiating pain in the left shoulder and arm. if you think your lifestyle is one where you need to watch your heart, i would go the doctor asap. and take an aspirin, just in case...

  4. Pain is always abnormal.  More than likely the push ups have caused some soft tissue/muscular injury which needs to be rested.  i would rest it for 2 weeks.  Take montrin for pain relief and as an anti-inflammatory.

    Edit:  Your problem is not cardiac.  Your problem is muscoskeletal.  When you have pain exercising which is not normal soreness from exercise, you need to stop it for a while to heal.

  5. go see a chiropractor they are the professionals. Good luck


  6. 30 sets or 4 reps or 4sets of 30reps?... when i started doing push ups it hurt my shoulders, if it does not go away after a little wile 1-2 wks. look at you're form...  

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