
Shattered dreams?

by  |  earlier

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so, i wanted to be a cop, but i'm not sure if i can pas the medical test because i'm nearsighted. the thing is, i dedicated my whole life to becoming a cop and now i may even fail. i think about it a lot and whenever i imagine myself doing another job instead of the police or military, i feel like jumping from a bridge. i wanted to be a cop since i was a kid and i don't know what to do if i fail.

should i go to a psychiatrist or something?




  1. Do not do anythig rash.

    Saving the world from it's self is always not the fun thing you might think it is and their our social issues to deal with.

    THere are many jobs you can do do not do anything stupid,  it's not worth it.

  2. I'm nearsighted and have an astigmatism.  I spent 7 1/2 years as a cop and now I'm going in to the USAF.  I wouldn't worry about it.  You can wear corrective lenses, though you may be limited from some aspects of LE.( SWAT, EOD...)

  3. I agree

  4. who cares if your nearsighted.  my sister is nearsighted.  she just wears contacts.  she is a police.  not a big deal.  

    you will be fine.  i was in the marine corps and im nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other.  so dont worry about it.  just take your glasses or contacts with you.

  5. --- the question actually is how nearsighted are you? Police agencies allow a certain amount of nearsightedness as long as it is correctable with glasses. If your sight can be corrected to 20/20 with glasses then you might still have a chance. You will have to check with the agency you are interested in to see their actual requirements but as long as you can still make out people's identity without glasses you should have a chance if your sight can be corrected with glasses. Usually you have to be able to tell people apart from a ceratin distance without your glasses and with good reason, should you have your glasses knocked off in a gun battle you have to be able to still tell the good guys from the bad. But that can still be pretty nearsighted so check the agency's exact requirements before you spill any tears.

    --- If you can't be a street cop there are other positions in law enforcement such as forensic sciences, computer applicaitons, communications, etc.

    --- If that won't do then all I can say is there are better things than being a cop. I did it for 21 years and there are things I could have done i would have been just as happy at. Figure out what about the job you like and find something related. I really liked working with teens and I would have really liked to have been a teacher if not a cop. So, find something related to what you liked about it and check into that line.

  6. Unless you're legally blind, nearsightedness does not affect your qualifications for being a cop.  That's what glasses and contact lenses are for.

  7. If you are that obsessed, and it's pushing you to depression, then yes, you should go to a psychiatrist.  You should also reconsider becoming a police officer if you take things this personally.  A lot of cops end up being alcoholics, wife-beaters, and suicidal.  A job like that may just push you off the bridge.  Perhaps you should try for something like border patrol, or join the military as an MP?

  8. lasik surgery.  i had horrible vison that would have excluded me.  had the lasik took a day to have 20/20.  look into lasik.
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