
Shaviing Problem, pleasee help.

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Okay, so everytime i shave,( i use shaviing cream, obviously ) my skin gets REALLY irritated. I shave like once every 3-4 days, cause i dont grow any hair till then. but like the day after i shave, my skin just kills me. i CANT stop scratchiing, and it gets red. so, what can i do about this? is it just me?





  1. Make sure the shaving cream thick when you shave and get shaving cream that is for sensitive skin .

    Also , Shave in the shower , where there is water and steam going around it to make your lets moist and damp instead  of shaving outside the shower .



  3. Change razors and shaving creme brand.

    Use lotion afterwords.

    I recommend something soft, like Johnson baby lotion.

    And do it slower.

    Be extra Gentle.

    It sounds a lot like razor burn.

    Make sure your using plenty of water.

    You just have sensitive skin.

  4. If switching shaving cream doesn't help try an ex foliating cream like Nair.

  5. make sure your skin and razor are wet before you start shaving. i would also try using sensitive skin shaving cream.  and after you're done, put lotion on your legs, this'll moisturize them.

  6. how old r u??  

  7. You can take a bath or shower and just use soap on your legs, underarm and whatnot.  You could try different lotions.  If you already do it in the bathtub or shower, too hot of water can cause the irritation of the itchiness.  

    I would try cooler water and just using plain, body wash soup.  It could help.

  8. change your shaving cream. or try and use lotion. thats what i do. and it works. but my legs just get really dry and sometimes itch.

  9. Dry Skin, Allergic Reacton.. different shaving creme.

  10. just try soap and water, not shaving gels

  11. try using nair or a similar product and see the results it could be you are very sensitive to the rasor or the cream. hope it stops

  12. Have you tried different lotions? Get the thicker more expensive ones with collagen to really hydrate and heal your skin.

  13. use moisturizer =]

  14. make sure you moisturize your skin after you shave to help with the itching.

  15. this happens to me to, I have to use dove soap.

  16. its probably because you have sensitive skin. why not try a shaving cream for sensitive skin.

  17. get waxed

  18. You definitely need to use lotion.  It sounds like you have sensitive skin.  Try Eucerine, Curel or something like that that is unscented and apply it right after you shave.  Also, when you shave, do it in the shower so that there is plenty of water running to clean the razor and make sure your legs stay damp.  You could be giving yourself razor burn if you are shaving too dry.

  19. that kinda happens to me

    my legs breakout so like the next time i shave i irritate the skin more and it bleeds its just awful

    try putting baby oil on your leg before the shaving cream

    and after if theres any shave bumps you feel coming up pour listerine on it i know it sounds weird but the alcohol in the listerine cleanses any bacteria and  gets rid of the shave bumps

    and put baby oil on after so that your skin wont be dry which could cause irritation but only if necessary..

  20. I use baby lotion or Jergen's lotion after I shave every time. I put on a lot, too... it makes my legs slimy, but it really pays off because I'm not itchy.

    Try different lotions (gentle lotions) and really put a lot of it on.

    Also, you could try switching razors or shaving cream. I find that the razors that don't have some sort of moisturizing strip on the side really irritate my skin. They're kind of expensive though, but it's worth it.

  21. Make sure you are shaving while you are in the shower. Because other wise you can get lots of nicks. Also, you could have an allergic reaction to the shaving cream that you are using. Maybe try a different one?

    Try applying lotion after you shave. Or try waiting another two or three days before you shave again.

    Hope I helped!

  22. Make sure you are using a clean razor blade and that your skin is clean before shaving..  shave in the shower/tub.  Try soaking and washing your skin in warm water for a bit before shaving.

    Some of the better razors also work better.  if you have cheap disposables, try getting one of the better brands.

    Use a good lotion on your skin afterwards.  Use something that is unscented to avoid irritation.  There are even lotions that prevent irritation, such as something like bikini zone (you can use it on your legs too, not just your bikini area)

    Another trick is to take like a half-dose of benedryll.. for some reason it does help to prevent razor burn!

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