
Shaving Question Veet Hair Removal Creme!!?

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Ok So I just Bought this Veet hair-removal cream.

I am 12, am I too young to shave?

Why or why not?

What will happen if I do??




  1. ask your mother she will be a great help just remember not to be afraid in asking because she has gone throught the same things before too

  2. I agree with aliciapa, but one more thing,when you start to shave it will grow back thicker and darker than before and then you have to keep shaving cause it itches as it grows in.If I were you, I'd wait till my hair started to get real dark, if it does.Don't be in such a hurry to grow up.You'll miss it when you can't back up time.I have to shave every couple of days and I hate it.Good Luck girlfriend.You have a lot of thinking to do.

  3. Okay my friend here is some advice from a pro -

    The Veet stuff is totally not worth it. It burns and smells awful and does not work well at all (but it does depend on your hair type)

    If you're furry and feel like you want to shave, then you're ready. Buy some decent disposable razors and use either shaving cream (trader joe's has awesome honey mango shaving cream) or even a shower gel will work and give it a go!

    i was nervous the first time I started but I realized it's actually pretty easy! I always shave in the shower - that way the hair and skin get soft for a few minutes and it's easy to shave and rinse off.

    you can do it in the bath too but I never quite got the point of doing it when you're not already taking a shower or bath!

    And nothing happens. Your hair will start growing back in a day or two and you can either shave again or not. I usually just shave on days when I'm going to be showing it off.

    Good Luck!

  4. Yes, you are too young. If your legs or armpits have dark hairs then maybe, but once you start they might get darker and thicker.  

  5. i started shaving at like 9 your most deff not too young to shave..

    i would advise you not to use veet..i used it and had an excruciating chemical burn for weeks...

    if you leave it on for just one second too long it leaves a chemical burn..

    no pain will ever compair

    ive tried several different creams and its not worth it at all..

    if you dont want to shave your much better off waxing...

    that hurts the first few times but not horribly

    the best wax ive used so far is nads and you can get it at walmart  

  6. Do you have hair that you want removed?

    If no, then you are too young.

    If yes, then you are fine.

    It shouldn't affect you any different than anyone else.

  7. No you aren't too young to shave. Make sure when you use the VEET on your skin you haven't shaved or scratched any part of your legs or it will hurt very bad. Trust me:)

    hope it works out.


  8. My experience with it was a chemical burn so be careful.

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