
Shaving legs helpp..?

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i currently use Noxzema razors with Skintimate shave cream. It works pretty well but the hairs are deep and dark so it's almost like you can see the hairs through the skin so it sometimes doesn't look like I shaved when i did! i'm always wearing pants even in the summer because i am so self-conscious. i want to try the veet stuff but does it burn or smell and how does it work in the shower - like how is it completely waterproof and not wash off? plus how long do you need to keep it on and how long does it last? Because everytime its cold and i shiver the hairs grow back a little (anything that can stop that?)

thanks =)




  1. ive never used veet but depending on what kind it's around $8.

    anyways what i would suggest is getting an exfoliating scrub, and use it before you shave

    this is what i use i got it for $2 at marshalls but any will do and then i would suggest using the skintimate still but use a man's razor since they are made for thicker hair....i get compliments on my legs all the time and i used to have the same problem

  2. From personal experience, Veet did the same thing as Nair, it took of my hair in patches! Since you have such thick hair, it probably won't be very effective either. Try Black Magic, they sell it at Wal Mart, you could always try waxing but that gets pricey.  

  3. haha when they say "waterproof" it's not COMPLETELY waterproof, i mean, put it under the stream of water and it washes away. it's actually not really water proof at all, from my experience... it just seems a little thicker than usual, or something, so it stays on the skin more.

    anyway, it says it all on the directions. you can leave it on for five minutes, but because i have thick, dark hair, i leave it on for like, ten.... and even then, i don't get very satisfactory results. it doesn't burn unless you leave it on for too long -- your skin will get irritated and red and if you keep leaving it on, yeah, it /might/ burn. that's just if you leave it on for too long. as for smell -- they usually try to make it a pleasant perfumey scent everyone likes. ;)

    but from what you've said.... well, i have the same problem. i'm really white and have dark, coarse hair, etc etc etc. it hardly looks like i shave. i only do waxing, and it's amazing. it lasts much longer than just shaving, and my hair seems to grow back all going in one direction, sometimes it even seems finer. the hairs don't grow back when you're cold... haha. that's just stubble from your last shave. when you shave/use veet/whatever, it doesn't get your hair to the hair folicle... it just gets the hair that's showing (which is why it looks like you didn't even shave). which is another reason why i prefer waxing. gets nearly everything out. (:

    good luck!

    (and in the longterm.... if money isn't an issue.... my friend is rich and stuff, and for her 18th birthday she went to get all her leg hair laser removed. she's never had to shave/wax/whatever again. :P)

  4. veet was $5 a rite-aid but i cant use it

    cuz when i do my skin gets bumpy and

    it smells funny

    then it dont really work that well on me

    and nair i never used

  5. STOP SHAVING YOUR LEGS! and start waxing them. waxing will pull out the hairs by the roots and there shouldn't be any black dots left on your legs. also, your legs will be smooth for up to 3,4 weeks plus in time the hairs will become softer and less noticeable. throw your razor away!

  6. Veet costs between $5-10. It takes between 3-10 minutes to work depending on hair thickness (so i guess for you it would be more on the 10 side).When it's cold and you shiver, the hair doesn't grow back a little, it just stands on end so you can feel it more.

    Some hair just grows faster and thicker, there isn't much you can do about for a cheap price, in my experience the creams and gels don't work to well on thick hair, especially not short hairs.

    Waxing is the best to get rid of all the hair for the longest time and eventually it will get thinner or stop grown back all together. That takes a while, but it's true.

    If you don't want to pay for waxing, just get used to shaving every day and use a razor with at least 3 blades and shave cream and finish off by using a after shave lotion like "Bikini Zone After Shave lotion For Legs" to reduce irritation and rough hair or some sort of hair growth inhibitor lotion (they tend not to work SO well, but still, it's worth a try)

    Laser is very expensive and iffy, waxing is more expensive and hurts, but lasts a few days longer and will leave no black dots.

    Shaving you have to do daily, but the tried and true method.

    As for the hair under your leg, don't be too self-conscious about it, i'm pretty sure you notice way more than most people will.
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