
Shaving pubic hair (guy)?

by Guest59826  |  earlier

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is it safe to shave your pubic hair if your a guy? And how would you go about doing so.





  1. If your going to, trim it down first, then shave it with a razor. I would recommend an electric one with 5 blades, Gillette Fusion, then when you do shave, shave in the direction your hair grows.  This will cause less irritation.  The more you do it, the easier and less painful it is.

  2. It's completely safe, you just have to pay attention while you're doing it so you don't catch any hairs in the razor. Ouch! Also, make sure you use enough shaving cream that you don't get razor burn on your bits. Other than that, it's just the same as shaving your face or any other part of you.

  3. Yes my man does and looks so neat and cool not all of it cos thats for boys.  So take it from me a girl likes a neat man and a sophisticated look.  We also like some hair on our men for Gawd's sake its so s**y.

  4. It is totally safe but trimming it is much better because when you shave it when it grows back it will not make you itch. I do shave my ball sack and keep it totally bald and it doesn't itch or anything and it is much easier to deal with in the summer when it is so hot and i sweat a lot more.

  5. There's nothing unsafe about shaving your public hair I would recommended It would just grow back within a week or two.

  6. yeah its really whatever you please. but just be careful with sharp blades around your balls.

  7. yheresno harm of shaving your pubes. i had mine shaved but i did not repeat coz i feel itchy. instead of shaving i trim girlfriend says its more s**y.  

  8. I shave mine regularly, every two days or so.

    A lot of people have trouble with regular old straight razors, but they work fine for me.

  9. 1 piece of advice: DON'T SHAVE!!! TRIM them... if you shave them, they will grow in really itchy and disturbing... JUST trim... trust me

  10. Sure it's safe, but it's much more simpler to just trim.  If you insist on shaving, get a good razor, hot water, shaving cream for sensitive skin, and some goo aftershave lotion for sensitive skin.  Trim the hair as short as possible with scissors.  Shave with the hair growth, against the growth is reserved for veterans.  Use the aftershave lotion 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days.  There's still no guarantee that you'll avoid ingrown hairs or a rash.  Good luck -  

  11. yea its SAFE

  12. There is nothing wrong with shaving. I did it for a while. The first shave is the worst; you may end up cutting yourself a little, and it will itch a bit, but after a while, your skin becomes tougher and it wont itch and it will be harder to cut yourself.

    It is best to cut it with sissors as close as you can to your skin. Also note that you should after this step get in the shower and let your pubic hair soften in the warm water. Then apply shaving gel, and go with the grain. After that, you want to go 90 degrees in an opposite direction of the grain to get rid of all the hair.

    good luck!

  13. Yes, it's safe to shave your pubic hair, but be forewarned that it will result in razor bumps, which cause irritation and itchiness. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with it. Buy some shaving cream and shave like you'd shave your face. I wouldn't advise you to shave your testicluar hair, for you can't properly cut them, resulting in itching hair particles. Use hair removal cream for this part of your genitals. Hope this helps.

  14. yeah. just use a razor. theres really no point in shaving though it will grow back.

  15. it is safe... but best not to... it itches

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