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I'm a 13-year old guy (with quite a bit of hair on my legs) an a week ago because i lost a bet on a rugby match my mate made me shave half of my leg hair off. I'm not g*y, it was 4 a dare...and dats da 1st time ive shaved my legs...of course

I didn't think it would look dat bad b4 i did it but now it does

Some questions about it:

How long will it take to grow back to normal?

Will it grow back darker or more coarse (it's da 1st time i hav shaved of course) ?

Is there anything i can do to make it grow back faster?

Leave ur thoughts an ideas as answers...





  1. Well, yeah it will grow back darker and thicker. I don't know about how fast it will grow but probably in the next week you'll feel it prickly again. That is SO uncomfortable but don't be tempted to shave there becasue of that because the more u shave the more it will grow. Just let it grow back (that should take couple of months)

  2. 1. It should take any were between 1-2 months (depending)

    2. No, it will gorw back the same as last time

    3. No, not that i can think of. And whats wrong with having a shaved leg anyways? who cares what other people think dude.

  3. I am a female and stopped shaving my legs a couple years ago.  I don't remember how long it took, but after about a month, your legs should start looking more normal, even if the hair isn't at its full length.  If it grows back darker and  more coarse, this will be a result of puberty, not shaving.  Shaving doesn't do anything to the hair except cut it.  To make it grow back faster, keep the skin on your legs healthy.  You can do this by keeping it moisturized.

  4. Dude don't even worry about that. A guy shaving their legs doesn't mean their g*y. It just means they like to be clean. Yeah I know it may sound strange but I know dudes that are straight but they like to shave their legs and armpits. They think having a lot of body hair looks bad. I mean some hair is good but if your legs are like a d**n forest then its bad and you should shave some of it off.

  5. it will take a little bit and it will be darker and thicker than b4

  6. oh man i feel sorry 4 u

    cuz my friend all have wrestling and they shave so they wont itch.

    it takes like..... proly 5 months and it MAY look normal again. lol

    tht is extreamly stupid of u tho lol

  7. First off, the letter "D" does not make the "th" sound. Keep that in mind.

    On topic, though, it'll grow back soon. No, it won't grow back any thicker/coarser, that's a myth. And nope, just sit back and wait. Cheers on the rugby.

  8. What is rugby? no offense @ all ut i always that that was a g*y game...i shaved my legs not completey but trimmed with a groomer..itll take a awhile 2 grow back i thought my hair would grow back fast but it didnt...shaving ur legs doesnt make  g*y..thought i should point that out im 15 im in track so i shave my legs i shave mu upper legs 2 quads..

  9. I didn't think you were g*y. Some guys I know didn't start growing leg hair until they were 14. Since you shaved the, they should grow back darker and is could take a couple weeks to a couple months for it to grow back to the length you would like.

  10. regardless of what anyone says

    shaving will not make your hair grow back darker/thicker

    i cant believe people still believe that myth

    all your doing is cutting your hair

    heres why it APPEARS darker

    your cutting the hair off close to the root, the root of the hair is darker and thicker, and when it grows, the thick part comes out

  11. I didn't assume you were g*y. Well, lets see two months should be about enough growth time. I'm sorry but please use 'the'.

  12. It could take a few months before it grows back to normal. It may or may not grow back more coarse, it depends on how you shaved it and how sharp the razor was. You should take a vitamin everyday to help your hair grow back faster. It really works.

    help me please;...

  13. ,Most answers are full of bull:when you shave it will not grow back thicker or more coarse.

    Suppose you had a haircut?Would it come back darker and more coarse then?An urban legend and people that know nothing about this at all.

    Hair takes about a day to grow 1 mm:so do the math.

    And there is nothing you can do to make it grow faster.

    Why not shave it all of and let it all grow back at the same pace:think it will look rather weird now.


  14. First of all, just because you shave and your a guy doesn't make you g*y- there are many a men out there who shave because they prefer to. Others may do it who practice sports, ie, swimming, weight lifting...

    It may grow faster or slower depending on your age, your genetics and your hormones...some who shave don't have to shave daily, others can have a shadow by late afternoon.

    Hair growth in general or average growth rate is about .44mm's a day.

    Give or take? About a week to two weeks.

    As for changing the coarseness of the hair after shaving once? I highly doubt it will do much and two, there really isnt anything that you can take or do to make it grow back faster.

  15. a month or two i didn't think you were g*y  

  16. hmm.....

    okay well the hair may grow back corse, or it may not. i dont know any proven way to make it grow back faster. you should probably wear pants until it does though.  also you're not g*y if you shave your legs. so don't let anyone sterotype you, and dont sterotype yourself.

    So Your 13?

  17. well im 15.

    umm i suggest you shave all the hair off so it grows back evenly

  18. it will take a while for it to grow back especially if the other half is long. and it will grow back darker which will look funny. and there aint nothin u can do to make it grow back faster

  19. First, you need to stop playing Rugby long enough to learn to speak & write English.

    It will take several weeks for it to grow back in.  You'll have to wait & see if it grows back darker or more coarse.  You were stupid enough to shave it off  - now you have to wait & see the end results.  There are no quick fixes to make it grow back in faster.

  20. it will grow back soon,. dont worry about it. it could grow back more thick though, but nothing anyone will notice unless you point it out

  21. Haha good idea wear pants until it grows back!!!

  22. dont worry.  the hair growth other than face and head will be slow.

    it is also good to shave wherever hair grows except the eyebrows.

    so dont worry. be happy. it will automatically grow.

  23. people, stop thinking shaving or jocks or speedo's are a g*y thing.  man alive...the homophobs in this world need to get a grip.

    (off soapbox)

    Ok dude, there is nothin you can do to make it grow back faster. Just gotta wait.  It probably will just grow back the same as it was.  I've had to shave a zillion times for sports and it's all about the same when i'm in the off season.

  24. Don't stereotype. You do not have to be g*y to shave your legs, and not all g**s shave their legs.

  25. LOL sorry that is really funny.....and extremely stupid...which makes it that much funnier..seeing how hair is dead skin, i really dont know, try and post a pic though...would be really funny

  26. It will take a while to grow back and yes, it will be more coarse and you will have more hair.

    To avoid odd looks from people try waring long pants.
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