
Shaving rash and I'm going swimming this afternoon!?

by Guest56054  |  earlier

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Hey, I shaved my legs and just got out of the shower with an awful shaving rash!

I'm going swimming this afternoon with friends - what can I do?!

If nothing can be done today then what can I do to make it heal anyway?

Thanks X




  1. Maybe just put moisturiser on.. it mite sooth it for u

    nd put like healing cream on.. like sudocream r sumthing at site till it heals up? maybe at nite tme!

  2. Best not to shave your legs for a while. Dont wear tights or skinny jeans. Shower but dont scrub your legs when showering. Don't worry if you have a few leg bumps, you're going to be submerged in water nobody will be looking at you. Shaving rashes are caused by blunt dirty razors and overfrequent shaving.  

  3. Just put a bit of Suda Crem on it x

  4. Try putting some cream on it or moisturiser hopefully that would work :], its happend to me before but it went quickly so mabey it will with you too before you go swimming.


  5. get some sudo cream from tesco =]

    btw, sorry its kinda late lol im guessin ur probably bak from swimming now lol


  6. cool water on it will help - shaving rashes really don''t last long, just don't go putting perfumed body lotion etc on it - lotions can often make hairs ingrow time, as a cheap way to avoid shaving rash, use hair conditioner on your legs instead of the alcohol containing shaving foam - it leaves them really soft and makes legs really easy to shave....but try leave them a couple of days now before you try it, to minimise damage

  7. moisturise and for the future use shaving gel never shave your legs without.

  8. Use PREP cream

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