
Shawn bout an explanation?

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Wow, i just read some of the other questions of from people that actually want to talk to her and im freaked out. If youre gonna compare me to those than you really have issues man. Tell you guys what, if i was a stalker, i would be a bit more sneaky than posting it online. Did i ask for contact info? no i never did. and i asked if i should. cuz the tiny bit of info that i have idk if its even the right person and i came across by complete accident. I was looking for my uncle's phone number who lives in that general area in an Iowa online phonebook thing and yeah. do i like shawn johnson? uhhh yeah i think so. i think she's beautiful but i was never looking for info in the first place. and hey i was one of the few people that stumbled upon some info that isnt some horny 40 yeard old guy. so i was JUST WONDERING if i should do anything.and btw i dont think i will. you wanna know why the thought even popped into my mind when i saw that stuff?

hey im not a happy guy these days. well where to start? on the last dance of my 8th grade year, this chick and i were supposed to dance and lets just say that we've never dated and we probably wouldnt ever. plus add that to the fact ive liked her alot since the fourth grade and been there for her pretty much through thick and thin. so i guess i kinda looked at this kinda as all that being a good guy friend stuff finally paying off.(cuz she asked me to dance with her the day before). so at the dance she ends up blowing me off for about

5 other guys. So when I talk to her that night, she says that I should get over her. And that I should pretty much just not like her anymore. And she expected me to just drop that feeling ive had for about 5 years in about 5 days. Might that I point out to you guys that shes never been able to get over this guy that shes dated 3 times. But I didn’t point that out to her when we were talking cuz im not that stupid. Plus another chick who I’d gotten kinda close with said we were too close to date. Its not fair man. So patriotsfan whos going around calling anyone starting a shawn Johnson topic a stalker you are truly a r****d. Usually id put that in different words but saying that stuff over the net is pointless and it makes you look stupid. Hey Rian I still need to kinda talk to you and I have a facebook so yeah…




  1. give me $100 and i'll read that.

  2. Didn't you know that Nice Guys finish last growing up?  

    Start treating her like c**p and she might find you more attractive.  For some reason, many girls/young women like to be treated like c**p.  I asked my wife and other females about a guy can treat them like c**p but they date him over a guy that is there for them.  My wife grew out of that phase and realized what she really wanted was someone like me.  She calls that time period where she dated jerks her STUPID YEARS.  

    Tell this girl next time she has an issue and needs to find a good shrink in the phone book and pre-pay for 10 visits up front.  That will treat her like c**p and have her stop wasting your time.    

  3. Okay umm ya, you can get over me calling you a stalker. God, do you expect me to read the whole thing, i just read the end about me, and you seem to have really given me calling you a stalker some thought. I mean does it really matter?

    PS: Dont email me about some small issue you thought you needed to make clear cuz I DONT REALLY GIVE A c**p.

  4. I'll get back to you in 5 days or when I finish reading that.

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