My gf got pregnant 6 months back, it was an accident, she was on the pill. I couldn't deal with it and told her frankly i would leave, i'm just starting out in a professional career, low wages, i didn't want the responsibility of her, i know i'm immature, but i also thought she could do more with her life (like get a career!) so i suppose i twisted her arm in making her get an abortion because i really knew that our relationship wasn't strong enough to bring up kids and i want to bring them up traditionally, i know i acted selfishly, but i loved her loads and she forgave me, and i forgave her for some c**p she's done to hurt me that made me not want to be with her. Now, i'm going to sue the contraceptive companies (not seriously) because the pill AND condom combined have failed, and shes pregnant again. She tried to kill herself after the abortion last time, but she told me she'd get an abortion if she got pregnant again, which is part of the reason i stayed with her, but now she says