
She's accidentally pregnant again...don't know what to do this time?

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My gf got pregnant 6 months back, it was an accident, she was on the pill. I couldn't deal with it and told her frankly i would leave, i'm just starting out in a professional career, low wages, i didn't want the responsibility of her, i know i'm immature, but i also thought she could do more with her life (like get a career!) so i suppose i twisted her arm in making her get an abortion because i really knew that our relationship wasn't strong enough to bring up kids and i want to bring them up traditionally, i know i acted selfishly, but i loved her loads and she forgave me, and i forgave her for some c**p she's done to hurt me that made me not want to be with her. Now, i'm going to sue the contraceptive companies (not seriously) because the pill AND condom combined have failed, and shes pregnant again. She tried to kill herself after the abortion last time, but she told me she'd get an abortion if she got pregnant again, which is part of the reason i stayed with her, but now she says




  1. i think you need several creative writing classes,so you can post something new instead of the cut and paste you keep doing with this one.

  2. Do not guilt her into aborting again. Do you want her to hurt herself and possibly die? Obviously, it was the wrong decision for her in the first place. I had one,and I was fine, but I know others that dealt with it the same way as she did and they never should have in the first place.

    You can still go to school and start your career with a child. I know a lot of people that do. It sucks but really, I don't see how you could live with yourself if you leave someone that you love and a child you created together. You have to do what you must, but she's not going to abort this time and she should have your full support in this.

    No matter what, humans are survivers. You're scared and I can understand and appreciate that but grow some balls man! This isn't something that'll ruin your life. It's something you have to learn to deal with and still create the life you want. It's possible and if you've got enough balls, you will succeed.


    I don't want to be mean, but you are deluding yourself. if she hurt herself before and tried suicide, guess what? She'll probably do it again ESPECIALLY if you act like this towards her. Face it, it is no longer an option at this point and if you honestly loved her and cared about her, you'd realize this. Don't make her resent you and stop trying to convience her to abort. it's HER CHOICE not yours.

  3. Sounds more like she is either not using the pill properly, or doing it on purpose. Seems a bit suspicious...

    What to do...if she really is that prone to getting pregnant all the time, then no more s*x until you actually want kids. Too much drama otherwise...

  4. You need to step up and not twist her arm again on this subject.  Let her decide what is best for her.  If she wants to stay with you and have the baby, you need to be there for her and support her decision.  I think to ask her for another procedure, would be asking way too much of her.  It may be possible she would have some healing if both of you stayed together and had the baby.  I think that may be in her best interest.  She is the one on the line now not you.  Welcome to fatherhood.  Its time to mature up quickly for her benefit.

  5. I think you should stick by her with having the baby. If you really love her things can work out. As much as you don't like kids once the child is born and you hold your baby for the first time I think you may change your mind. I know a few people who never wanted kids but have gotten pregnant and are in a different state of mind now.

  6. accidental pregnancy happens all the time.. now on to what you should do.. well you seem pretty selfish.. but then again  I dont blame you cuz i dont want kids right now either.. but its not the kids fault that it was concieved so you need to think about more than just yourself.. I grew up without a father and always wondered why but that was because if was an alcoholic.. but anyhow if you don't want to be there then don't but realize that that decision is goin to affect more than just you.

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