Okay, my daughter is thirteen, and has really bad feet problems. She's been in a cast four times since the third grade, and she is now going into eighth. At her Middle School, every time she has done Physical Education she has either gotten a sprain which called for a cast, fractured a bone (cast needed), or broken a bone. In two years, she has been in P.E. three times, and every time has had a serious injury. My question is, if I write a note from, me, her parent, before she gets injured asking for her not to be in P.E., does she have to do it? I don't want to have to continue to pay hundreds of dollars for doctor's appointments or casts. I do not want her in P.E. this year, by law, can they force her to do it, if before school starts, I tell them this?
P.S. We are in Tennessee.