
She's being abused and I don't know what to do.?

by  |  earlier

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My friends parents are divorced and she lives with her mom and stepdad. Because the court gave her birth father custody, she visits him often. This summer, she wanted to stay with her mom (even though she was supposed to stay with her dad) to work and to go to cheer camp because she is on varsity cheer leading at her school. So she told her dad, and he got really mad and basically said "Im done with you." and her birth father told his side of the family everything that happened and basically said to make her life as miserable as possible. Because he still has custody, she still has to go to his house but when she's there they verbally abuse her. They say to her that she's a terrible daughter, scream at her constantly, say how badly she's affecting the family and eveyrones life, and she recently told me that he grandparents were cursing her out. Their lawyers know about everything and because they went to court nothing can be done about it.... She's completely miserable and upset and she doesnt deserve to be going through this. What should she or I do?




  1. Just listen to what she has to say and let her know that you're there for her if she needs you. That's probably the best thing you or anyone can do.

  2. My friend had a problem similar to this one. Her mother and father live together but totally separate. They live in the same house but don't talk, they don't do things together, eat together, anything. Her brother talks to both sides but her dad doesn't like her. He hits her and fusses at her. Tells her she is fat and so much more. I did the only thing I could do for her. I was there when she needed me. When she needed someone to talk to I was there. When she needed somewhere to go for the night, I was there. That's really all you can do. When there is nothing more that can be done, when you cannot do anything else the least you could be is a friend. That's what she needs right now.

    Oh! I also forgot. Once she turns, I dunno if she is yet or not, 15 she does NOT have to go to her fathers house anymore if she doesn't want to. By then she is old enough to make her own decisions and if she tells the court that she isn't going then she doesn't have to. Or that's the way it is in NC anyway....

  3. First, you have to be there for her. Let her know that no matter what happen she can call you at any time and you will be there for her. Also make show that she doesn't believe what they say. Be aware if she says things like '' I'm stupid'' or '' I really suck''. It can look like things anybody will say but because of what she is living and things her father side of her family tells her she can start to think that they are true. s****. there for her at anytime and be sure she doesn't believe what they are saying to her.

    I will also tell you to go ask your school counsoler what are things she can do and tell her to talk to her mom or a lawyer about what are her possibilities. I don't believe there is nothing she can do. This is a form of child abuse.

    Hope I'll help. Your a good friend for doing that for her.  

  4. because your an outside source, i recommend staying away from her family. The most you can do is ask her how she feels, listening could make a world of difference  

  5. if you care about this so much why dont you just take her in your home?

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